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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Episode 10 Overview & Comments

Episode Quote:

Jack: “By the way, that stunt you pulled by the car; you ever pull your weapon on me again, you better intend to use it.”

Renee: “I did.”

5:00 pm – 5:12 pm

Sean is still listening in to Larry and Chloe in the conference room. Erica comes to Sean with the arrest order he forged to have Jack and Renee arrested. She wants to know what’s going on. Through this conversation we find out she’s in on it with Sean. Now we have two moles within the FBI.

Comment: This was not surprising. I suspected Erica was involved too when we found out Sean was a mole within the FBI.

Sean explains by the time Jack and Renee are released, Dubaku will be free and clear. Erica wants to know why he didn’t tell her. Sean was afraid she would “have one of her meltdowns.” He tells her to go to her workstation and try to act normal.

Scene shifts to Jack trying to explain to the arresting officer that their arrest was a mistake and they were pursuing the man responsible for today’s terrorist attack. Jack and Renee are both put in the back of a squad car. Renee thinks they should not have used Marika like they did. Jack says they didn’t have a choice; that she was their only “asset.” Renee retorts by saying she wasn’t an “asset”, she was a human being. Jack just looks at her.

Marika arrives to meet Dubaku. Dubaku forcefully gets her out of the car and demands her cell phone he tells her he knows she’s been working with the FBI. He takes her phone and destroys it. He’s angry with her for her betrayal. Marika explains the FBI told her who he really is and the horrible things he has done. Dubaku says they are all lies created by his enemies. He says he brought peace to Sangala. He still wants her to come with him. She says she can’t go with him; she doesn’t know who he is. Dubaku talks her into going with him.

The police tell Jack and Renee their story was verified by the FBI and that they are free to go. Larry talks to Renee. He tells her they lost the cell phone signal, but they were picked up on traffic cams by Chloe. They get a location and Jack and Renee leave. Larry tells Jack the make of the car and that Marika is in the car with Dubaku.

Dubaku talks by phone with Burnett. Burnett is concerned Marika is going with him since she worked with the FBI. Dubaku says that is not his concern and that he should worry about getting him out of the country.

Chloe keeps Jack updated on Dubaku’s location. Jack drives like a maniac to catch up to Dubaku’s car. Dubaku’s driver notices they are being pursued. They speed up and Marikia tries to take the control of the car by grabbing the steering wheel, but the car flips over. Jack and Renee get out of their car and head towards the wrecked vehicle. The driver gets out of the car by going through the front windshield. He goes to draw a weapon on Jack, but Jack shoots and kills him before he can get a shot off.

Comment: Loved the car chase and crash. Very well done.

Jack gets Dubaku out of the car and Renee sees about Marika. Renee’s having a hard time getting her out of the car. Jack notices the car’s on fire and tells her to get out. Renee won’t listen and still tries to get Marika out. Jack tries to pull Renee out but she pulls a gun on Jack and says she gave her (Marika) her word so “back off or help me!” Jack decides to help. Marika’s leg is pinned and Jack helps get her leg released. They get Marika out just as the car explodes.

Jack goes back to Dubaku. Jack says he needs the ambulance now because Dubaku is badly injured; meanwhile Renee gives CPR to Marika but it becomes clear that she didn’t make it.

Comment: Poor Marika. That was very sad she was killed in the accident. She was very brave for agreeing to Jack’s initial plan.

5:16 pm – 5:25 pm

Back at the hospital, the President and Ethan are in a waiting room. Ethan is giving her an update regarding the good news happening in Sangala but her mind is elsewhere. She blames herself for what happened to Henry because she didn’t listen to him about their son being murdered rather than committing suicide. She says if she would have listened to him, he wouldn’t be in this situation.

Comment: This was a brief scene but I liked it. It was very well-acted by Cherry Jones. You could feel the weight of everything she has on her at this point. Not only being the commander-in-chief, but also dealing with her family issues.

Bill Buchanan interrupts and explains that Dubaku was captured but badly injured. She is told that if he dies the names he has of those in the government working with him could die with him. Bill doesn’t think she’s safe there and that she should go back to the White House. Ethan says Henry will be in surgery for several hours and there’s nothing more she can do there. President Taylor agrees to go back to the White House.

The EMT’s are working on Dubaku. Jack wants him brought around because he has information vital to national security. He’s brought around and Jack tells him that if he wants the EMT’s to continue working on him, he’s going tell him the names of all those in the government he’s been working with. Dubaku doesn’t say anything. Jack say they are both soldiers and that he may not care about his own life, but he knows he has a family. Jack says he knows where son is in Sangala and he will track him down and “make him suffer.”

Comment: I love Jack when he’s in “interrogation mode.”

Dubaku tells him he has a list. Before he can tell Jack where the list is, he goes into cardiac arrest. The EMT’s begin to work on him. They are getting interference when they try to use the paddles on him. They realize there’s a metal plate in his rib cage; Jack overhears this and demands they open him up. The EMT resists but Jack pulls a gun and demands once again that they open him up. They do and Jack takes out a small digital drive. Jack immediately calls Larry. He explains what he found on Dubaku. Sean is listening in to this. Jack gives the drive to an officer who can take it to Larry via helicopter. As soon as Sean finishes listening he goes to talk to Erica who is in the ladies room. Sean tells her the FBI is going to get the list. Erica freaks out because she knows their names are on that list. She says she’s not going to jail. Sean explains he has a plan to get them out of this. He’s going to crash the entire system and this will wipe the list clean. Sean talks her into doing this and they agree to meet in the mainframe room.

Comment: The metal plate/digital drive sequence was VERY reminiscent of Jack and Wallace in Season 2, but this was still a little differently done. Jack will still do anything to get the job done. “Open him up.” I love it.

5:29 pm – 5:36 pm

Now at the hospital where Dubaku’s being treated. An officer gives Renee Marika’s personal effects. Jack gets off the phone with Larry and explains to Renee that they have the drive and that Chloe is working on it. They should have the names soon. Renee is still upset about Marika and says “that’s all that matters right, Jack?” Jack says he doesn’t like what happened to Marika either, but they did what was necessary and she better find a way to live with it. Renee thinks that means pretending it never happened. Jack says he’ll let her know when Chloe’s got something and then walks away.

Larry gives Chloe the drive. She says this type of drive has an auto-erase function and they only have one download. Meanwhile Erica is in the mainframe room. Sean comes in with the motherboard she needs. Sean pulls up surveillance cams to keep an eye on Larry and Chloe. Erica gets started. Sean gets a call from Burnett. Burnett can’t figure out why he can’t reach Dubaku. Sean tells him he was captured by the FBI.

He tells him that the FBI has the list of names but explains they are taking care of getting rid of the list on his end and that he (Burnett) needs to worry about Dubaku. While they are talking, Erica runs into a problem. Sean hangs up to see what the problem is. Erica eventually figures out the problem and gets the system to start deleting the list. Chloe notices the files are being erased; she can’t stop it. She says it’s deliberate, that someone’s trying to crash the system.

Sean notices on surveillance that Larry is heading towards them and they need to get out of there. Sean and Erica start to make out in the mainframe room when all of a sudden a gunshot is heard – he’s shot Erica!! She gradually falls to the floor. Sean is sorry. Sean then shoots himself in the arm to make it look like Erica did it. Larry busts in the room; Sean says it wasn’t him. Sean lies and tells a story that he followed Erica to the mainframe room because she sent out the warrant on Jack/Renee… lies, lies, lies…. Sean’s talking too much. That makes him suspicious.

Chloe checks the server in he mainframe room. She says it’s too late, the files are gone.

Comment: I thought Sean would probably kill Erica but I was still surprised when I heard the gunshot. The way she slowly went to the floor was well-done.

5:40 pm – 5:47 pm

Larry goes into the room where Sean is after his arm was bandaged. Larry is looking at paperwork Sean gave him showing Erica’s activity for the last three days. Sean still wants an explanation. Larry tells him the government has been compromised by Dubaku. Sean says he should have been told; Larry said he didn’t know who he could trust.

Their conversation is interrupted when Larry’s cell phone rings. It’s Chloe. She says she doesn’t know how she did it but she recovered Dubaku’s files. Chloe ran a mirrored file on an outside server; she always does that when working on sensitive materials. Erica’s parameters were too narrow to catch it. It has been decrypted. She said Dubaku had detailed records on everyone working for him in the government. Larry tells Sean Chloe decrypted the files. Sean says “That’s great.” Larry tells Sean he should go downstairs and talk to Dr. Webber because he shot a fellow agent and he should talk to someone. Sean nods and leaves.

Janice asks Sean what is going on with the servers. He says she should ask Larry. He grabs his jacket starts to leave the building. He is intercepted by other FBI agents and then Larry arrives. He slams him up against the wall and says he better start talking. Sean wants to speak with his attorney. Larry then orders Sean taken to holding. Larry then makes a call to Bill Buchanan.

Comment: I wonder when Larry became suspicious of Sean? I think it was Sean’s reaction after Larry told him Chloe recovered the files. Plus Sean kept telling Larry he should have trusted him. That was a red flag too.

Now at the hospital, Rosa arrives wanting to know about her sister. Renee has to tell her there was an accident and that Marika didn’t make it. Rosa doesn’t understand. Renee says Marika was very brave and they would not have caught Dubaku without her. She hands Rosa Marika’s personal effects but that makes her more upset. Rosa said Renee promised to protect her and now she’s gone. Renee tries to comfort her but she says to not touch her. She tells Renee she killed her sister and that she didn’t care how she did it or who got hurt.

Comment: Poor Rosa. Marika was all she had. I really felt bad for her. I don’t think she should have blamed Renee, but she was upset at just finding out her sister was killed. The woman who played her I thought did an excellent job.

Renee is crying and clearly upset. She hears Jack say, “Agent Walker” from down the hall. She walks toward Jack and stops while standing side-by-side with him. Jack tells her he just got off the phone with Larry and that Dubaku was not lying. They have the list of everyone he was working with in the government and arrests will be made soon. He says that “It’s over.” Renee says it’s not over for Rosa.

Jack walks back to her and says what happened to Marika was a tragedy but what they did was not the wrong thing to do. Marika made a choice, a brave one to get involved. Renee says Jack doesn’t even sound human; she wants to know if he feels anything. Jack said they had a job to do, to protect the hundreds if not thousands of lives that would not have a choice if they let another terrorist attack take place.

Jack says what they did wasn’t wrong, it was necessary. Then Jack starts to walk away. Renee says she’s read his file. She asks Jack when his wife was killed, did he feel that or did he tell himself that was what was necessary. Jack turns around and asks Renee what does she want from him? He then yells, “What do you want from me!?” Renee walks fast to him and she says she just wants to know if he feels something, that he feels the same kind of pain she does. As she slaps Jack she demands “Do you feel that?” She slaps him twice and on the third attempt, Jack stops her and she breaks down in his arms.

Jack tries to comfort her by saying she will be alright and that it will take awhile; that she will learn to live with it. Renee angrily pushes him away and asks “what if I don’t want to learn to live with it?” “Then quit” Jack says back to her as he walks away. As he continues to walk away he tells Renee that if she ever pulls her weapon on him again, she better intend to use it. Renee replies, “I did.”

Comment: Wow! What a scene. All one has to do to get to Jack is bring up Teri. To this day, that still gets a strong reaction out of him. You can see how everything Jack has been through over the years has caused him to build a wall around himself emotionally. Part of it enables to do his job effectively, but I also think he has deliberately shut himself off emotionally from people especially since he left Audrey. Even when he was trying to comfort Renee when she broke down, you could see in his face he was trying not to get emotional himself. Kiefer played those conflicting emotions perfectly. Annie Wersching did a great job in the scene as well. She is one of the best new characters '24' has added in quite awhile.

5:52 pm – 6:00 pm

Now we are back at the White House. President Taylor explains to her daughter Olivia what happened to her father. Olivia demands to know who shot her father. The President explains what she can but she can’t tell her too much detail. Olivia wants to go see her father but the President says it’s out of the question because of security issues. She wants her in the White House so she will be safe. The President and Olivia are interrupted; Bill Buchanan needs to see her. She tells Olivia there are a lot of things they need to talk about. Olivia says it took her father getting shot to get her (Pres. Taylor) to want to talk. President Taylor says again they will talk later and then leaves to go meet Bill.

Comment: Olivia seems like a spoiled brat to me. I could do without her, but I’ll give her storyline a chance.

Bill gives the President the good news that Jack has recovered the list of those working in the government for Dubaku. He said the list contains about 100 people working across all agencies some at very high levels. Bill says the two moles at the FBI have been identified (Sean & Erica) and that Larry believes the FBI is now secure. Bill is going to work with the FBI to make an inter-agency sweep and being making arrests.

President Taylor thanks Bill and says what he’s done today puts all of them in his debt. Bill says there are a lot of people to thank, including Jack Bauer. He says Jack’s testimony in front of the Senate is set to resume in the morning. He says Senator Mayer is on a personal crusade against Jack. He’s already dismantled CTU and he wants to make a personal example of Jack. Bill asks President Taylor to speak to the Senator. He says Jack helped save this country and doesn’t deserve to spend the rest of his life in prison.

The President says she appreciates his sentiments but she will have to think about it. Bill says that’s all he is asking.

Comment: After what Jack did, the President has to think about it?

Next we see Jack sitting on some steps near the Capitol building. There is a beautiful shot of the sun setting behind the Washington Monument. After a very brief moment to reflect, Jack notices Tony arriving and sitting down as well on the steps nearby.

Comment: I love this scene. Beautifully shot with the sunset and Jack getting a very brief moment to sit down. I wonder what that little brief smile was about? He’s probably thinking: well, I saved Washnington D.C. and now the government is going to continue to prosecute me. Talk about irony.

Jack asks what he is doing there. Tony says he needs to talk to him. Jack says sternly that Tony was going to turn himself in as soon as this was over. Tony says he will but it’s not over yet; there’s going to be another attack in D.C. Tony says it’s not Dubaku, it’s Juma. He’s about to lose control of his country and he wants to strike back at the U.S. Tony says he tracked down a source, someone that worked with Emerson that had a direct line of communication with Juma.

He says it wasn’t easy getting the information out of him but he’s convinced it’s accurate. Jack says he should give the information to the FBI. Tony says this is going to happen at 1900 hours. By the time the FBI goes through their procedures and red tape, it will be too late.

Jack asks what the target is. Tony doesn’t know but it will be high-value and high-impact. Tony was given a name of someone involved in the planning. Ryan Burnett, Senator Mayer’s Chief of Staff. Jack asks if the Senator is involved and Tony says he’s not. Jack says, “You better not be lying to me Tony.” Tony says this is real. Jack says Burnett will be on Dubaku’s list. As soon as Burnett finds out Dubaku’s in custody he’ll start running so Tony doesn’t have a lot of time.

Tony says he already has a tail on him. Tony says to Jack if he is with him, to meet him at the corner of 1st and Constitution. Tony puts on his sunglasses and stands up. He goes over to Jack and touches his shoulder. He says he needs his help and then leaves.

Comment: You can’t go wrong with Jack and Tony scenes. They are always interesting to watch. It was good to see Tony back after missing a few episodes. I think it’s interesting Jack is still hostile toward him. I guess Jack doesn’t know if he can trust him completely and I think he’s still angry Tony didn’t contact him in those years following his “resurrection.”

Burnett is shown in his office. He gets a call from the Senator asking him to come to his office. Burnett goes in and we see Senator Mayer is the one who was grilling Jack at the Senate hearing that morning. The Senator tells Burnett he is going to the White House to meet with the President regarding Jack Bauer. The Senator doesn’t like the timing of this meeting given Jack being called away from the hearing that morning. He wants Burnett to go with him to the meeting.

Comment: Liked the reveal of the Senator being the one who was grilling Jack in the first hour of the season.

Burnett looking nervous goes back into his office. He gets a text message stating: “Units in place. Operation on schedule.”

…clock ticks to 6:00 pm

Don’t forget – two hours on Monday, 3/2/09! After Monday’s episodes believe it or not, we will be halfway through Season 7.

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