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Monday, March 30, 2009

Episode 15 Overview & Comments

10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Episode Quote:

Tony: “Don’t do it. You’re gonna turn a surveillance job into a firefight. It’ll be two against 10.”

Jack (aiming his gun at Cooper): “Two against nine.”

As the FBI continue their search for Jack, Larry calls Ethan and tells him that Senator Mayer is dead. They believe that Jack murdered him. Ethan is angry with Larry for letting Jack get away, but Larry reminds him that he advised Ethan against using Jack in the first place. This sobers Ethan, who subsequently tenders his resignation to the President.

Comment: After that conversation with Larry, Ethan realizes his career going down the tubes so he decides he has to “fall on the sword” for the President.

With her husband on the mend, the President was hoping the day would end on a more positive note. She tries to persuade Ethan not to resign, but he feels that his poor decisions will tarnish her administration if he does not resign immediately.

Comment: Nice to know that Henry Taylor made it through the surgery ok. Nice brief conversation between him and President Taylor. The scene between President Taylor and Ethan were he resigns was very well acted. Nice scene. I thought maybe Ethan was a bad guy for awhile but I guess he is not. I felt bad for him having to resign, but he did make some bad decisions so I can understand why he would resign.

Jack calls Tony and explains about the bioweapon that Starkwood is about to get a hold of in order to fight their congressional order to be dismantled. U.S. civilians will be killed to prove that Starkwood is needed as a secondary security force. Jack believes the weapon is still at the port. There's only one Port Authority Officer on duty, named Carl Gadsen. As Gadsen gets off the phone with his very pregnant wife while working double shifts to make ends meet, Jack and Tony grab him. They disarm him and force him at gunpoint to get the port manifest.

Comment: I loved when Tony tells Jack they should contact the FBI about Starkwood and the bioweapon and Jack says they can’t because “we’re fugitives Tony!” I loved the way Jack said that. He might as well have said, “Tony, you moron get with the program!”

At Starkwood, Hodges is informed that Quinn hasn't checked in. He then addresses Starkwood's board, exhorting them to stop cooperating with the government subcommittee. They are not to answer any more subpoenas. Starkwood can be a vital tool in protecting an America that has an army stretched to the breaking point and the draft off the table. After the meeting, Douglas Knowles, the Board's chairman, tells Hodges he thinks it's folly to fight Senator Mayer. Hodges informs him that Mayer has been killed by a rogue federal agent. Knowles is horrified, and asks for Hodges' assurance that he wasn't involved. Hodges feigns offense, but coolly suggests that while Starkwood is not in the business of political assassinations, it's certainly a growth market they could look into.

Comment: Great comment by Hodges, “They’re six year olds, Greg. They need to eat their carrots.” Love the performance by Jon Voight. Cool business man on the surface, but cold and ruthless underneath. Great ‘24’ villain.

At the port, Gadsen tells Jack and Tony that he was trying to make extra cash to support his impending twins conceived with expensive fertility treatments. He had planned to aid men that he thought were simple electronics smugglers. They haven't arrived yet. Jack tries to call in the FBI, but communication is jammed. The men arrive at the gate. Jack tells Gadsen to let them in. He and Tony will follow them and call for help once they're out of jamming range. Gadsen is reluctant, but Jack promises that they have his back. Gadsen opens the gate to find a small army waiting, led by Stokes, who is suspicious of how nervous Gadsen is. He forces Gadsen to come along with them to the pickup site. Tony whispers to Jack that he knew Gadsen was a dead man the moment he walked out that door.

Comment: Jack and Tony seem to be switching roles here which is interesting. Jack seems to be more willing to save one innocent person and risk the whole operation but Tony is perfectly willing for Gadsen to be an “acceptable loss.” This is a role reversal for these characters. It shows me how much Tony’s character has changed since Michelle’s death. Tony’s much more hardened and cold; very much like Jack was after Teri’s death. I think when Gadsen talks about his wife having twins, trying to pay for the fertility treatments, etc got to Jack and he didn’t want this guy to miss his chance at having a family. I think Jack wanted to give Gadsen a chance at the life he never had.

Olivia tells Ethan that she is personally sorry for his resignation, though she still think it's what's best for her mother. Ethan apologizes for accusing her of leaking his role in Jack's escape to the press. He advises her that running the country isn't like running a campaign -- you need to do what's right for the people, not just whatever it takes to win. Olivia responds that sometimes those things aren't mutually exclusive. Once he's gone, she calls network White House reporter Ken Dellao to inform him that he can now run with the story about Ethan and Jack. She was the leak.

Comment: Well this wasn’t much of a surprise: Olivia’s evil! I knew she was the leaker all along. Too bad Ethan didn’t know that. He gave Olivia some good advice…too bad she won’t listen to it.

At Senator Mayer's home, evidence is found that points to a third person being involved with the murder. Larry calls Renee to say that he is prepared to entertain the idea that Jack is innocent. He wants her to tell him what she knows. She's reluctant to blow Jack's cover, but finally discloses what she knows about Quinn and Starkwood, and the fact that Jack was trying to prove that Starkwood was behind today's attacks.

Comment: Well Larry’s starting to finally get it. I’m glad Renee explained what was going on with Jack and why he’s been doing what he’s doing. I’m starting to like Larry again.

At the port, Tony wants to move out, but Jack can't abandon Gadsen. He already promised one person today that he'd protect them, and now they are dead. He can't let that happen again. When a thug is dispatched to lead Gadsen off to be executed, Jack takes aim. Tony exhorts him not to do it because it will blow the whole mission, causing so many more innocents to die. Jack pulls the trigger, saving Gadsen, who runs away to safety.

Comment: Another debatable action by Jack. Should he have saved Gadsen or sacrificed him for the success of the operation? Should Jack have heeded Tony’s advice and not “break his own rules?” Jack of course decides to save Gadsen. This situation goes to the heart of the moral dilemma that has been an on-going theme during the entire run of ‘24’: for the greater good, is it sometimes necessary to sacrifice one life to save potentially thousands or hundreds of thousands?

Jack and Tony come up with a fallback plan: hijack the truck. The dead man is found in short order, and Tony and Jack open fire. In the course of the gunfire, Jack manages to leap aboard the truck and throw the driver out of the cab while Tony keeps them distracted. However, Tony gets captured. As Jack prepares to drive away with the bioweapon, he hears over the walkie-talkie about Tony getting caught. Stokes recognizes him. Jack calls Larry and asks him to scramble together teams to meet him at a weigh station.

Comment: Another great shootout scene and beautifully shot as well. Jon Cassar directed this episode and did another terrific job. He will really be missed during Day 8. Tony gets captured – that should be interesting. Jack pulls an Indiana Jones and hijacks the truck! That was great. I never get tired of Jack doing things like that.

Just as Jack gets off the phone, a flashing light alerts him to a breach. He stops the truck and checks in the truck's pallet to find a gash in one of the containers causing bioweapon gas to leak out. Unfortunately, he's stopped near a suburban area. Jack desperately manages to hammer the leak closed.

Moments later, the Starkwood team arrives with gunmen and a helicopter. Jack is forced to take cover while the gunmen airlift the bioweapon away. Stokes calls Hodges and reports he'll be there in ten minutes. Meanwhile, Jack calls Larry and tells him that Starkwood recovered the weapon and headed due west from his position. Larry says there's a large military facility in that area, but he can't assault a private compound without evidence that a weapon exists. Jack tells him to send his CDC men to him and they'll have all the proof they need -- Jack was exposed to the bioweapon chemical.

Comment: Poor Jack, he’s been exposed! I don’t think Jack is going to die of course, we know that there will be a Season 8 and it was recently announced that Kiefer has signed on for day 8 but even just the thought of Jack possibly being affected by a bioweapon is scary. I liked the scene where Jack calls Larry explaining what happened. You can see for the first time Larry feeling some compassion for Jack. Kiefer played Jack’s reaction to being exposed beautifully. It was subtle and nuanced, but Kiefer captured Jack’s realization of being exposed and quiet fear wonderfully. This episode ended differently than most ‘24’ episodes, very quietly with Jack sitting thinking about what just happened to him. Nice way to end this episode.

Clock ticks to…11:00 pm

Episode Overview From / Comments are mine (24FanForever)

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