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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dances with Wolveswinkel...

too much of nothing..

when I read Travis Armstrong's column in Friday's News-Press, it sounded like he was resigning to go to work for the Chumash as a Public Relations manager...he begins: "for eight years I've had the privilege of being the editor of these opinion pages"...then he goes on to praise the Chumash for the wonderful job they've done at the casino. They provide jobs, give money back to the community, and have endured such teary hardships that all the crime that the NP never prints should be excused...I mean really get paid a lot of money, but I don't see you actually doing anything for nothing..this attitude epitomizes the casino mentality..quick cash for doing nothing; easy money; pull a lever, get rich, get lucky and all the rest of the stereotypes the Chumash use to advertise their idiotic businesses littering the California landscape...Wendy got rich quick and easy and that is why they are so down on the working class and unions that represent them..the News-Press does not understand work or the value of work or the people who value work! and not a peep about all the union workers at the casino or tribal gang violence and child abuse!!
everyone who takes money from the Chumash or plays at the casino, the old washed up rocknroll acts should be ashamed of's like taking money from the mafia!! Casinos are a blight and if they tried to build one on the Bluffs, I'd politely tell them no...however, I do support Indian women and Indian Summer!
Yesterday, Travis informed us that Council candidate David Pritchett went bankrupt ten years that should give you paws (!!) when voting for him...well, I don't know the details but if you can drink and drive and crash and still serve on the city council, then I guess going bankrupt isn't so long as you learn from your mistakes and don't go spend your dough at the casino!
then Travis informs us that the guy behind all those negative ads, Randy Van WolfsWinkel, is just a civic minded SBHS grad unlike Lois Capps, an outsider who had the gall to support Helene Schneider!
Speak Indian?
the tribes continue to waste our time with unnecessary bills like AB 544, which makes no sense whatsoever..they need a law to teach native languages? all this bill does is make it easier for Indians to get a teaching credential just because the tribes says they are qualified!! Arnold signed it into law because he is owned by the tribe!!


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