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Monday, October 26, 2009

the Idiot...

Idiot Wind...

yes, I'm an idiot, the biggest fool to ever hit the big time, Iggy's an idiot, but 35th dist Ass'blyman Pedro Nava is a bigger idiot....the Ojai bear story has confirmed this. Instead of being a leader and defender of wildlife, Pedro has been following idiots, thus becoming one in the process. Who else but an idiot would act like he is acting. Why is Pedro coming to the defense of people who don't understand animal behavior? These people who really killed the bear by their own stupidity live in Ojai. They are mourning the dead bear with a makeshift memorial! I found this out from a story in the News-Press...the News-Press thinks the head of Fish and Game resigned due to their bear editorials...the makeshift memorial picture was taken by #69 Julia Di Sieno, another idiot posing as an wild animal seems when Julia shows up at these events, an animal dies or suffers! Why Julia? Why??
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.

a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing..
Now, Pedro wants to meet with Fish and Game to find out what their black bear policy is. Ah, Pedro, you idiot, this information is readily available online..if you can use a computer and know what the internet is, you can find it easily! This is information you should be imparting to the public as a California Assemblyman, not running around trying to blame Fish and Game, ie, show off for your childish animal-ignorant friends, Wendy and Julia ie #86 ands #69..geez, these people are starting to annoy me...these folks are too far removed from the cycle of life and death...instead of hunting for dinner, they go to Whole Foods for organic beansprouts; or farm-friendly non-hormoned beef or chicken..the bear doesn't have that luxury, it forages or hunts...but if you city folks leave your dog food out, or your garbage, you will attract bears..then when you see one, you panic!! LEAVE THEM ALONE AND KEEP 'EM WILD!!
Department's Statewide Black Bear Policy 2071
Consistent with sections 1801, 4181 and 4181.1 of the Fish and Game Code, the goal of the statewide black bear policy is to minimize damage to private property, without posing a threat to local bear populations. This policy is intended to address situations where bears have entered residential areas to minimize bear/human conflicts. Bears which are threats to public safety, as determined by a public safety officer or Department employee, may be killed at any time without a permit. The specific procedures for handling public safety bears are detailed in the Department's "Wildlife Safety Policy."
The Department recognizes that the improper storage of human foods and garbage is the primary factor leading to bear/human conflicts. The reduction or elimination of bear attractants is therefore emphasized throughout this policy so that bears do not become habituated to human food and become problem bears in the future. This policy is intended to reduce the number of bear/human conflicts to the benefit of individual bears and people living or recreating in bear habitat.
now it!! and get back to me...

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