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Friday, October 9, 2009

Liberals Throw Obama a Sympathy Bone Named Nobel Peace Winner

Less than a week after President Obama lost his lackluster bid to bring the Olympics to Chicago and thus suffering utter humiliation on the world stage, he wins the Nobel Peace Prize for supposedly his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people.

Yeah, right.

It’s clear that Obama needed a win right about now considering his poll numbers are steady falling, his own party is battling among themselves over nationalized health care, his military generals are asking for more troops that Obama doesn’t want to give them, and the magical aura that once surrounded Obama has become dull and ordinary.

The Liberal world needed to perform a Mia Culpa for embarrassing the president last week and what better way of doing so than awarding the Nobel Peace Prize and coming up with a shame justification for doing it.

So Obama gets to hang his hat with other notable Nobel luminaries such as Yassar Arafat and Al Gore. So despite what you may hear from the Liberal media touting this victory for Obama, most right thinking people will understand that this is nothing more than Liberals mutually masturbating each other.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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