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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Obama’s Public Option Violates Middle Class Tax Pledge

All throughout his presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised that 95% of the American people would receive a tax cut. Most of us, meaning people who did not buy into Obama’s Messianic personhood, saw through his rhetoric for what is was, blatant pandering and outright lies.

Now I don’t have the expertise of a Betsy McCaughey who can better explain the ramifications of overhauling our health care system better than anybody else on the planet.

But, common sense tells me there’s no way in the world can Obama and the Democrats say that you can insure an extra 40 million uninsured/nonproductive people on the backs of insured/productive citizens and not have costs rise to cover the difference.

The money has to come from somewhere to pay for it all?

And when all is said and done if this obscenity is passed in congress, it’s the middle class that will suffer the burden with any new oppressive taxes or fees that the Democrats can think of to fund the entitlement.

How does this not violate Obama’s “no tax” pledge to the American people?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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