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Monday, October 12, 2009

The Homosexual Lobby Don’t Want Compromise But Total Victory

"We should not be punishing patriotic Americans who have stepped forward to serve the country." Latest red hearing from President Barack Obama

Once again our president is catering to the Homosexual lobby, a sexual special interest group that only makes up 2 to 3 % percent of the population. According to the Military Code of Justice, Homosexuality is an offense that warrants immediate discharge form the Armed Forces.

But Homosexual lobbyists wanted this policy done away with. So in 1993, President Bill Clinton signed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell that allows Homosexuals to stay in the military and prohibits the military from even asking about their sexual orientation.

This is what compromise is supposed to be.

Not everyone got what they wanted. Those that wanted to clear out Homosexuals from the military, could not. Homosexuals in the military, despite what President Obama says, got to stay and serve their country just like their hetro-counter parts.

And let me make this point as clearly as I can..

The only distinction Homosexuals have in society is how they have sex-that's it!

Sexual acts are supposed to be done in the privacy of one’s bedroom, or at least in private anywhere one wants to have it. It’s none of my business how a person has sex. Just like it’s no your business how I have sex.

If a person is Black or any other racial minority, it can be seen in public.

If a person is disabled, or has any kind of mental or emotional disability, that can eventually be seen in public.

But if a person is a Homosexual, aside from the Flaming Fagots or Butch Dyes which are not representative of all homosexuals, it cannot be seen in public. They look like anybody and that’s the dilemma.

So Homosexuals throw their privacy rights away and declare themselves publicly for an activity that supposed to be private in the first place.

They want society's official stamp of approval which is why they want the traditional definition of marriage forever changed. This Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is just a stepping stone to that end. The Homosexual lobby does not seek comprise if it prevents them from getting total and utter approval for what they do in private.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradidtion

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