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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Meme to The Republican Party: Wake the Hell Up and Get Your Act Together

I’m concerned once again of what I see coming from the Republican Party. It’s too early at this time for a true leader to emerge and it’s really not necessary at this point of the game. After all, why give the MSM 3 years to marginalize any Republican prospect for the nomination for president? However, from the little I’ve seen from what’s out there, I’m thoroughly underwhelmed.

Let’s set aside Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney who I feel when all is said and done, one of them has a very good chance of being the Republican nominee. I don’t know if Bobby Jumdal, Tim Pawlenty or Mike Pence are going to throw their hats in the ring. Maybe the eventual nominee is not even well known.

And that may be a blessing.

Heck, no one knew who Barack Obama was before he gave his famous speech at the DNC in 2004, and now he’s sitting in the White House.

However, this must be clear to all potential candidates:

• Stop focusing on attracting independents by watering down Conservatism.
• Offer a clear choice instead of an echo.
• Don’t just say you’re a Reagan Conservative, act like it and talk like it.
If you don’t have the courage to speak an unabashedly Conservative message with passion and a fire in the belly, don’t waste our time and stay home.

Watch this video of Mike Pence talking to Chris Matthews. This is an example of a Conservative who does a terrible job presenting Conservatism.

I don’t really have strong feelings about Pence, but after watching this performance, I don’t want this guy anywhere near the nomination. Pence should have known and the information is out there concerning scientific arguments that pose a serious challenge to the Theory of Evolution such as the book, Darwin’s Black Box , by Michael Behe, a noted Christian Bio-Chemist.

One of the Left’s quickest ways to marginalize a candidate is to give the impression that a candidate is a nut job if he doesn’t believe in Evolution. All Conservative candidates have to be better prepared than Pence. And to add a quick aside, the last thing the Republican Party needs is to offer up another white-haired candidate to go against Barack Obama. We’ve been there and done that with John McCain.

It’s time that any potential candidate has to realize that they have to carry the message of Conservatism themselves without fearing to get their hands dirty. Stop depending on the Rush Limbaughs , Glen Becks, or Micheal Savages and others to do the heavy lifting.

When its time to step up, step up for real.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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