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Monday, October 5, 2009

everyone's gone to the moon..

Eyes full of sorrow, never wet ...Hands full of money, all in debt.. Sun disappears in the middle of June ....

When I went up Coyote Road on Sunday, I couldn't quite believe what I saw...the Tea Fire happened almost a year ago, but the aftermath is still evident..the first thing I see is a sign saying High Fire Danger Area..the next thing I see is a row of Eucalyptus that grew back fast or didn't burn at all, unlike most of the other trees..the place is barren! Up the hill and ...whoa..most of the houses are gone..gone! No property lines anywhere!! The few that remain look like nothing is wrong except all the gardens have been scorched..I reach the top of Coyote and turn right...I used to hang out here alot...where's that big brown fortress on the hill overlooking Mountain Drive that's been there forever? Gone...I roll on slowly, then stop to take pictures..a few people are running, getting some exercise..this is a supreme place for that! I look up at the hills and it looks like a moonscape..then I look at the city and ocean and the views are incomparable..this area is absolutely beautiful, especially on a windy and clear October day...It was a little spooky, too. Like walking in a city after it's been bombed; or like being on the moon!
But if I had a home up here I'd want to rebuild in a heartbeat...there's no place like Mountain Drive..and there were a few for sale signs on the empty lots, some with burned out houses or just a bunch of rubble....then I moved on to the Cold Springs Trail area and everything was green again...
life goes on.....

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