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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Obama’s Economy For Idiots-He Gets an A+ for Wasteful Spending

The White House yesterday boldly proclaimed that 1 million jobs were saved or created as a direct result of Obama’s Stimulus package.

Well, isn’t that special?

Lets set aside for a moment that the “saved or created” statistics is pure hogwash like I’ve written about on my prior post. If you look on the website without laughing your head off, you'll see a chart that says that 207.54 Billion dollars have been spent thus far into the economy. If the 1 million jobs save or created stat is true, which we know its not, but lets say it is, that means each job cost taxpayers $207,000 per job.

Do you really think these jobs are pay more than it takes to save or create them?

Of course not!

This is what “Hope and Change” is costing the American people.

President Obama, who doesn’t know what an economics text book looks like if you put it in front of him in a photo array, is sending this country into financial ruin.

But hey, he looks like a president, right?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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