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Friday, October 16, 2009

Sharpton, Jackson, and Lee: The New Overseers on the 21st Century Plantation

Back in the 18th and 19th centuries, the White men who managed plantations for Slave-owners were known as the “Overseers”. They often at times used cruel methods to keep Black slaves in-line and doing the Master’s bidding. These cruel men, who were Democrats by the way, did not hesitate to utilize Bullwhips on the backs of slaves to make an example of what happens to a slave that was disobedient.

It was a very effective tool to maintain slavery and keep the cotton coming in!

Today, the plantations are gone. The Bullwhips are put away in the barn. But, the Overseers remain and have different color faces. And the enslavement of African American minds is as strong as ever.

These new Overseers are Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Sheila Jackson Lee. Their task is to continue to foster the perception that White Conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and all Republicans are racists.

Instead of using Bullwhips on the backs of slaves, they tell lies and distort the truth to keep African Americans mentally enslaved so they can continue to support the Democrat Party at the rate of 95% and up.

If a Black person dares to question the status quo of support for the Democrat Party, they are immediately ridiculed and shunned by other African Americans as “sellouts”. “Uncle Tom’s”, “handkerchief heads”, “Oreo cookies”, or trying to be “White”.

Who needs Bullwhips anymore?

The new Slave-owners, the Democrat Party, no longer need cotton, but they desperately sure need the votes from the progeny they enslaved in the first place.

If you think President Barack Obama is the head of the Democrat Party, think again. Ask billionaire and White man George Soros who really yields the power behind the scenes.

Brothers and Sisters, when will you break the chains in your minds?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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