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Friday, October 2, 2009

Rep Alan Grayson Demagogue and Attack Dog for the Democrat Party

All of a sudden, a little known representative, named Alan Grayson from the great state of Florida explodes on the national political scene. He didn’t offer any landmark legislation or perform a civic duty that actually benefited his community. All he did was stand on the house floor with some giant signs that looked like they were put together by fifth graders and accused the Republican party of wanting people to die quickly if they get sick.

Mr. Grayson didn’t bother to discuss Obama Care on the merits. He did not pull out a copy of the thousand page bill and eagerly point to specific language that disputes any of the criticism the proposed health care plan has received by many detractors. No Democrat, including Grayson has done that or will ever do that in the future.

They can’t either because they have not read the entire bill themselves or they know exactly what the bill says and all the criticism is justified. So what else is there left to do?

Democrats have resorted to attacking Republicans personally to sway and manipulate the emotions of the citizenry. And the tactic is effective albeit dishonest.

So Grayson is getting his fifteen minutes of fame by being the latest in a long line of DADs, (demagogue or democrat attack dog: a strategy for gaining political power by appealing to the prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public — typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist, populist or religious themes. :Source Wikipedia)

For Grayson to use the word “holocaust” in any discussion of the health care debate is quintessential demagoguery. Someone needs to point out to Mr. Grayson that the real American Holocaust is the 50 million abortions performed in this country since 1973.

Can we get a debate on that, Democrats?

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