This episode is probably my favorite one of the season so far.
Episode Overview & Thoughts:
Larry's organizing the FBI tac team before going to the Mutobo residence. They need to be brought in alive. The only viable lead to he CIP device.
Emerson beats up security guy to get him to open the safe room; security guy says it can only be opened up from the inside.
Tony tells Jack they have to get Mutobo or they will have nothing. Jack agrees.
Larry is told Tanner is filing a complaint with the Bureau about Renee's treatment of him during questioning. Larry calls Renee and she confirms she got the information by unconventional means. Larry orders her back to the FBI, Renee disobeys and says she "needs to make this right."
Pointless subplot alert: Sean talks to his wife after her plane lands. She's wondering if he's the one that enabled her plane to land right away. She's hoping they will be able to spend some time together when she gets home...blah blah... there may be a point to this down the line but right now - who cares?
We switch to Mutobo and his wife in the safe room. The wife realizes the only way her husband would give up his allies in Sangala would be for them to use her to get him to talk. Mutobo reassures his wife that they will be ok in the safe room. Emerson contacts them through the safe room video/intercom system. He threatens to kill his security guy unless he opens the door. This is pointless because the security guy says he's ready to die for him and for Sangala.
The guy playing Mutobo is really good, very believable as an exiled leader of an African nation.
FBI tries to call the security guy; Emerson picks up his phone and sees that the FBI is calling. Even the caller ID shows: F.B.I. Emerson asks the security guy if the FBI knows they are there, he does not answer - Emerson punches out the security guy. Boy, that guy really got beat up - brave man.
Emerson's other guy says they need to leave because the FBI is on their way; Jack interrups and says he's figured out another way - amonium distrate made from household products to gas them out. Jack explains they have time because of where the FBI is coming from and traffic.
Jack and Tony then go to the kitchen to gather the products to make the gas. Of course the kitchen has everything needed. What Jack should have done while he was in there was also make himself a sandwich (it's gonna be a long day you know). I would have love to have seen that.
Now Jack begins to channel MacGyver and prepares the gas in the ventilation system. Jack must have spent time prior to Day 7 watching MacGyver reruns.
The gas begins to penetrate the safe room. It starts to take effect.
Meanwhile back at the FBI, the suit from the AG's office arrives to question Janice about what happened with Walker and Tanner. Larry runs interferrence; he asks Janice to try and find Renee.
Renee arrives at the Mutobo residence. Jack also knows how much gas to use without killing them. That Jack - he's a multi-talented guy. Didn't know he was also a skilled chemist. The wife crawls to the door and opens it. Emerson and his crew take Mutobo and his wife to a very non-conspicuous big bright yellow truck.
Renee calls Larry to let him know the Mutobo's have been taken and to find out how far away SWAT is. Of course, they won't get there in time (5 minutes out). Uh oh, Renee is caught by Emerson's guy. Larry is upset.
Renee is brought to Emerson. Renee is very upset with Jack. Calls him an SOB. That's not very nice, Renee, but she does think Jack is really working for Emerson. Jack confirms she's the FBI agent who got him out of the hearing. Emerson goes to kill her but Jack stops him and tells him they need to find out from her how much she knows. Jack then frisks Agent Walker before putting her in the truck (actually, I wouldn't mind getting frisked by Jack but that's a whole other subject) - now back to the story:
Renee says she can't believe she trusted Jack.
Back to Henry Taylor and his 12-year-old Secret Service Agent. Brian, the Secret Service guy says he knows a guy who can decript the information Samantha gave Henry. Henry says that he's going to find who killed his son and make them pay.
Now to the Oval Office. The President has decided to authorize the military operation in Sangala. The Chief of Staff guy tries to argue his point again against it. Secretary of State comes in to inform the President that Mutobo has been abducted from his residence. The President says they still have 30 minutes until Dubaku's deadline; she wants Mutobo found by then. Yeah - that's going to happen.
Another Pointless Subplot Alert: We learn Sean is having an affair with Ericka. Ok and the point of this is...
Larry's upset they haven't found Renee. He wants it the office's top priority.
Back to the inconspicuous yellow truck. Renee tells Mutobo she's sorry she couldn't protect him. A very Jack-like thing for her to say.
Emerson gets a call from Nichols. Emerson finds out Walker doesn't know anything that could compromise the operation. She's "extraneous" and wants her killed before they deliver Mutobo.
Emerson tells the drive to change direction and go to an abandoned construction site. How come all the bad guys know where all these abandoned places are? I love the shots of Jack while they are in the truck. He's trying to keep a 'poker face' all though this so he doesn't give away his cover. Nice acting by Kiefer without saying a word.
"He looks like his head's going to explode" - Ha. Janice tells Sean she senses Larry has feelings for Renee - well duh!
Dubaku's upset that the U.S. forces still haven't backed down. Nichols says he should launch another attack. Explains an FBI agent has delayed Mutobo from being delivered sooner.
Now back to Henry Taylor. He and Brian arrive at the apartment. Henry sees pics of Samantha and Roger. Brian informs Henry that they are in Samantha's apartment - cut to reveal Brian is putting on latex gloves. Loved the direction here. Oh no - Brian's a baddie! That didn't surprise me that much. I was kind of suspicious of him from the beginning.
Henry collapes! I thought at first he was having a heart attack but Brian reveals he spiked his coffee with something that is a neuro-muscular paralitic. Brian calls another bad agent. If you remember, this guy was talking with Hodges during the 'Redemption' movie when Roger arrived for the Inaguration.
Brian and the other agent are discussing getting Samantha back to her apartment so they can make it look like Henry killed Samatha and then killed himself. Brian aplogizes again to Henry saying he should have left things alone.
The other agent tells Samantha that she is to be put into protective custody and that she can go to her apartment to gather her things.
Janice tells Sean about what happened with Renee and Tanner in the hospital. The guy from the AG's office again talks to Larry. He is aware that Renee is missing. Larry explains that she's been taken by the same people who took Mutobo. Larry doesn't want the AG guy to talk to Janice - he wants to get Renee back first.
Janice calls Larry. Renee was referenced during an NSA intercept. They play the fragment that mentions Renee should be killed before Mutobo is delivered.
Of course Emerson wants Jack to kill Renee. There's some good dialogue during this sequence:
"You can either walk or I can drag you." - Jack
"I'm not going to beg for my life." - Renee
"Trust me and I will get you through this alive." - Jack.
Jack appears to graze Renee in the neck. She falls limp to appear to be dead. Jack rolls her into the ditch and throws a big plastic tarp over her.
Emerson seems convinced she is dead, but then he orders Jack to bury her. Jack tries to stall, "We're on a timetable." But Emerson doesn't want her body found before they are out of the country.
Jack and Tony start shoveling dirt on poor Renee who's watching herself be buried alive.
Love the camera angle of Renee's point of view through the plastic looking up at Jack. Chilling.
Silent clock clicks to 1:00 pm... along with breathing sound.
I loved this episode so much. Especially the last 10 minutes where Jack has to "kill" Renee, the "burial" and the Henry Taylor storyline. Both were excellently done. The direction by Jon Cassar this episode was fantastic. This episode had a darker and gritter feel to it that was just great. The FBI storyline was a little dull but the rest was wonderful.