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Saturday, January 31, 2009

'24' Quote Of The Day

"The man has more lives than a cat."

-Ramon Salazar (about Jack Bauer)

Season 3

9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

California Cottonfields....

Glenn're on my radar, fool!

California is the best place in the world....recently sullied by prop 8 intolerance, immigration racism, NewsPress criminals and a rightwing steroid-abusing governor..but we'll always land on our feet!

Beck has a special needs child and blames the world for it!! Not a very accepting dad, but's nothing to be ashamed of...

On his FOX News show , Glenn Beck did two stupid things..he interviewed Thomas Sowell, the dumbest man in America, and he said, "The Civil War taught us that, apparently, U.S. states can't secede from the Union. I'd like to test that one again maybe sometime. But what I'd like to know is if the Union has the right to kick out states. Because if so, I'd like to take a star right out of our flag, and California is it."
a treasonous statement if I ever heard one!! Glenn Beck..TRAITOR!!
In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of disloyalty to one's sovereign or nation. Historically, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such as the murder of a husband by his wife (treason against the king was known as high treason and treason against a lesser superior was petit treason). A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor. Such a person may also be colloquially termed a turncoat, Judas or quisling.

Beck cites all the evil movies that Hollywood produces, the bailout money that California will get..(the feds owe California millions anyway) oil drilling, immigration and any number of bogeymen that rightwingers conjure up....he had on Jack Cashill, a guy who wrote a book called: What's the Matter with California? there anybody in America who hasn't written a book yet? faux-writers who produce slop are not authors....
"When writer and columnist Jack Cashill was skewered along with Kansas (despite the fact that he lives in Missouri) in Thomas Frank's New York Times bestseller What's the Matter with Kansas?, he decided to fight back with a riposte from the heart -- a look at what's wrong with the purplest of blue states: almighty California itself.
The media moguls, multiculturalists, union bosses, and eco-warriors who run California have abandoned liberalism for total insanity. They have transformed the Golden State from America's future into America's Rome. Spectacularly sybaritic and self-indulgent, overtaxed and overregulated, California lives on past glories, and even Conan the Republican cannot muster the will to defend its borders. Now, finally, Jack Cashill is here to rally the right-thinking citizens of the state (and the nation) and rescue this gorgeous chunk of real estate from its increasingly shaky future."
..shakey future? the problem with California is casinos, greed and ultra-conservatives creeping in..get rid of those and we're back on track...
Of course, the book is more rightwingthing nonsense..and of course Glenn Beck is a comedian, but he tries to be a conservative commentator..and the neocons in New York hate California because we didn't get attacked on 9/11, they did...and they blame us because their daddy Reagan is dead... Beck is the pudgy pillsbury doughboy of O'Reilly and Hannity before him, got a job on FOX by giving a job..sucking on Rupert Murdoch's dick..these guys spew fear and nonsense and get paid millions..a true perversion of capitalism...
as far as Beck goes, he'll continue his little show from the nut gallery, but if I ever see him up close and personal in California, he better keep his nutty phobias to himself..or I'll give him a new one...fistophobia!

Friday, January 30, 2009

24: Kiefer Sutherland On Jack Bauer's Future - 1/30/09

"January 30, 2009 - It was a long time coming, but 24: Season 7 finally arrived earlier this month, and at a recent party thrown by FOX, IGN TV was among a small group of journalists able to speak to Jack Bauer himself, Kiefer Sutherland, to talk about the status of his iconic character and the popular series. Sutherland is under contract for an eighth season, but after that, it's not clear what the future holds for Jack Bauer, and the actor reflected on a possible ending for the series.

As you'll see, towards the end, we were also briefly joined by Sutherland's costar, Carlos Bernard ("Tony Almeida), who proved that the off-screen banter between the two is very different from the matter of life and death conversations they have onscreen."

The rest of the article/interview is at this link:


'24' Quote Of The Day

"I promise you, everything is gonna be okay. It's just been a really, really long day."

-Jack Bauer (to Teri Bauer)

Season 1

10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Strawberries, Cherries....

and an angel's kiss in spring

Dr. Laura Jailed!
serves time in Santa Barbara County Jail for her role in the Operation Family Fund fraud...inmates call her "little mama"..she passes the time now counseling pregnant unwed gang members...and she designs and makes her own jewelry! She also is a big fan of Charles Manson..calls herself one of Charlie's Angels and makes a Charlie face when her cellie makes a doo doo...
Radio Nowhere
Thank god for small favors. O'Reilly has announced that, due to an "unsustainable work schedule", he will discontinue his daily talk radio program and devote himself full-time to the television O'Reilly Factor. O'Reilly's radio show ranked 13th in the country (in a 3-way tie for ninth, following three two-way ties 'above' him) , drawing 1/4 of Rush Limbaugh's audience. Stallone is a Bill fan..and a plactic surgery fan, it appears..
the radio station dropped you because of your miserable ratings.

Wall Street execs doled out $18 billion in bonuses while they were asking for a bailout!! what a work ethic these morons have!
fuck the bonus..give me a salary and benefits that are meaningful, low insurance premiums, and a career that allows growth and satisfaction and most importantly, a real savings plan.. or I could be a tee shirt saleman.. a daytrader.. a casino bus driver..a newspaper editor... no, I'd rather work for the government...duh

My emails exposed:
Starbuck's emailed me: Which tastes better they ask: Starbuck's or Dunkin Donuts coffee...fuck that shit..7/11 rules!!
Dunhill Cruises emailed me: Norwegian Cruise Line is offering an incredible deal available only from select travel agents in the country. Contact the agency at the above number for more information and reservations. The offer is so hot, it's not on any website and is only valid until midnight February 3rd. The offer combines several different added benefits so you can build your ultimate cruise vacation. Please make sure you ask for promo code: TGDUNHILL.
some guy named Shawn emailed me, to blame me for something: Listen Mick, you will have no one but yourself to blame if you do not takeone of my Internet Business In A Box packages today. I am giving them away,and you can have one, but I have less than 200 to give away....So yes, it will be YOUR fault if you don't get one.
guilty as charged...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Watchin' the Dog...

every flea will have his dog...

Travis Armstrong fancies himself a gov't least Nipper thinks he is anyway. In that capacity, Travis has broken some big stories about city hall...Helene's bathroom remodel was a biggie; David Pritchett's oft-mentioned law breaking ways when he violated the Brown Act..a silly anti-free speech statute written by a guy from Turlock, that keeps government folks from talking to each other at lunch time... Yep. Gorgeous and awesome. So, why is it that local Californian Governments cannot use open maillists, forums, irc chat, wikis, etc. for project collaboration online and have to stick with the antiquated notion of driving to meet in a previously agreed to location face to face as their only means of coordination? Because, according to many critics, there is not enough public access to the internet. The Brown Act needs to be amended to keep frivolous lawsuits out of the courts!!
Travis has also exposed some emails that caught the mayor and Pritchett calling the NewsPress management bad names..what were those names? I don't know, but Travis said he'll share the emails later..what a fuckin' snoop dog this guy is..well, what could possibly be some bad names for the about Wendy is a cunt! Travis eats poo poo! Nipper is a jackass! Something along those lines perhaps...I hope the emails are juicy, Travis, because if that's all you got on City Hall, you're not a watchdog, you're a shithead..
Now, Mayor Blum has agreed to go on Travis' radio show, AM 1290, (day and date unknown) to discuss open government..that should be entertaining..I hope the mayor nails Travis to the microphone for all the stories he made up about city issues..the only problem with these shows is they are censored due to advertising..I'd love to interview the NewsPress a matter of fact, here's an open invitation for them to come on this blog and answer my uncensored questions..Travis? Wendy? Nipper? anytime!!
Government Watchdogs..we need them. However, when the dogs are flea-ridden, unethical, dishonest, criminal and spineless...they are the ones who need to be monitored to keep the fleas from spreading....the only way to do this is to make Travis, Wendy and Nipper wear flea collars....yip yip for now!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FOX News Piece On '24'

Here's a two-minute report from FOX News about Season 7 of '24'. It features interview clips with Kiefer Sutherland and Annie Wershing (Agent Renee Walker):

Source: FOX News/YouTube/KieferBenny

Drag the Net....

Greka president launches weird PR campaign!

I'm watching the news on KEYT and a commercial comes on...the voice sounds like Joe Friday from Dragnet..This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm a cop.
I couldn't believe my eyes... it's Andy deVegvar..the president of Greka.. he's trying to sell Greka as a model of environmentalism..Andy, how many times has the county fire dept responded to your facilty..100, 1000, a million??...don't forget the taxpayers who have to foot the bill! Instead of stepping up to the plate to accept responsibility for the Greka mess, he starts a staccato rant about the unfair attacks on Greka Oil from regulators, environmentalists and politicians..he's in a board room surrounded by employees, who look like scared hostages! "HELP US" they seem to be thinking! When Greka started spilling, Mike Stoker was spokeman..I mean spokeschild, for the company. He tried to tell us that the incidents were sabotage, like a 5-year old lying to the teacher about stealing lunch money.
Then he changed the story to politics. Then he changed it to operator/equipment failure..obviously, Greka can't get their stories straight..and now we have this classic B's dark, it's twisted, it's rightwing propaganda at its funniest!
Then the commercial segues into a girl playing with her boobs! I swear I didn't splice that in!! here's a
This is high entertainment folks..courtesy of Greka! No wonder they spill so much oil..they are all high!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Too much of nothin'

I decided to go to the SBIFF and take in some stars or possibly take a star home and bang her..where's Meryl? where's Penny? where's Kate? where's all that fine Hollywood pussy anyway? You wanna see an Oscar winning performance, ladies? I'll have you crying to your mommies in no time! But first, let me splain: I went into SB at 11:30 am for a dentist appt..since he's right close to the Arlington, I figured afterwards I'd check out the I walk over and what do I see... NOTHING! So I took pics of nothing..the Arlington doing nothing..empty..cold..not even a gang fight...I walked over to my truck and then at noon, heard the most beautiful sounds..bells bells bells..
What a world of merriment their melody foretells! To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells From the bells, bells, bells, bells,Bells, bells, bells - From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.
The noise came from the Trinity church..a beautful old stone building that probably will be razed for condos soon..then, no more bells..
So I head home and pass two girls having lunch across from the Courthouse! Were they stars? I didn't recognize them but they were bangable nonetheless..I park my truck and walk on over and give them my card: Mick Von Caw, Horse Whisperer..
Hey, maybe I could check out actress Kristen Scott Thomas at the Lobero..she's pretty fine and I really liked her in the Horse Whisperer with Robert Redford..yeah, I'll go see her..
fame is fleeting, and so, it seems, is the tooth fairy...

Monday, January 26, 2009

'24' Exclusive: Kiefer Sutherland Calling It A Day?

"Good news for terrorists everywhere: With just one more year left on Kiefer Sutherland's 24 contract, there's a very real possibility that Jack Bauer's career as the world's foremost savior may end next season. And while Sutherland says he's undecided as to whether day 8 will be his last, he's watching the clock in a way he never has before."

"I don't think about [the end of 24] a lot, but I did this year for the first time," he confesses. "It was one of those weird moments where the stage was unusually quiet; it was like a ghost town. I was looking around [thinking] about all the work that went into building this thing and it hit me: This will end one day, and I'm going to be sad about it."

The complete article can be read here:

Source: Entertainment Weekly/Ausiello Files

'24' Producer Says Jack Bauer Is Safe

'24' Director/Producer Jon Cassar says that at least while '24' is on TV, Jack Bauer won't be killed off. They need to have him around for the feature films they plan to produce in the future. I thought what I had been reading lately about Jack Bauer being killed off was wrong. I'm glad Jon cleared this up.

Here is the clip of his interview:

Source: / YouTube

The Himmler Maneuver..

and Governor Arnold's Hitlerian complex

When Arnold Schwarzenegger bought a ranch site in Carpinteria's Rancho Monte Alegre, a ranch I used to live on, I was appalled..this goofball was going to be my neighbor and there was nothing I could do about it..I've seen him and Rob Lowe on TV trying to sell California tourism, smiling for the camera like a couple of shit eaters..geez, how'd these two knucklehead actors get so close to me and mine..Rob the sex offender and Arnold the steroid-sex- offender..within walking distance from my place! The Ranch has changed over the years..but I spent two fun-filled years in an old pink bungalow that Olive Carey lived in up to her death..ghosts were everywhere..Ollie was an old time b-movie western actress, wife of Harry old time western actor ( Harry Carey Jr starred in Tombstone, Shadow Riders, and many more 50s and 60s I love a good western!) Anyway the ranch owners would tell tales of the parties Ollie would host in her pink bungalow, making cocktails for the likes of Robert Mitchum. John Wayne and other real stars...I felt like a cosmic cowboy living up there...
The ranch was sold to a developer who wanted to overbuild..but thanks to some local Carpinterians, a huge portion of Rancho Monte Alegre remains in a public trust, never to be developed...the past is gone, so there's nothing I can do except sing the blues..however, today is still here and that brings me back to Arnold and his state budget problems..while he payed 5 million dollars for his ranch, he wants to cut funding to special needs programs, the blind and disabled..
he claims "impure blood" is the reason! vee can do expeeriments on dese poor excuses for humin beings...dese vermin!" says Arnold
Disgusting Arnold..I want my taxes going to these programs you fucking oh man, if I ever see you walking down the street with Maria, going for a nice leisurely stroll with the dogs, you are going to catch some grief from me, pal...

Kiefer Sutherland At The SAG Awards - 1/25/09

Jack Bauer took some time off from saving Washington D.C. and the U.S. to attend the Screen Actors Guild Awards last night in L.A. As I'm sure you've figured out, it was actually Kiefer Sutherland who attended since he was nominated for a SAG Award for 'Redemption' and he was a presenter as well.

Thought you might enjoy some pics of this handsome gent on the red carpet. Unfortunately, Kiefer didn't win. Paul Giamati won again for "John Adams".

(Thanks Benny For The Pics)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Episode 5 Thoughts & Observations (Season 7)

This episode is probably my favorite one of the season so far.

Episode Overview & Thoughts:

Larry's organizing the FBI tac team before going to the Mutobo residence. They need to be brought in alive. The only viable lead to he CIP device.

Emerson beats up security guy to get him to open the safe room; security guy says it can only be opened up from the inside.

Tony tells Jack they have to get Mutobo or they will have nothing. Jack agrees.

Larry is told Tanner is filing a complaint with the Bureau about Renee's treatment of him during questioning. Larry calls Renee and she confirms she got the information by unconventional means. Larry orders her back to the FBI, Renee disobeys and says she "needs to make this right."

Pointless subplot alert: Sean talks to his wife after her plane lands. She's wondering if he's the one that enabled her plane to land right away. She's hoping they will be able to spend some time together when she gets home...blah blah... there may be a point to this down the line but right now - who cares?

We switch to Mutobo and his wife in the safe room. The wife realizes the only way her husband would give up his allies in Sangala would be for them to use her to get him to talk. Mutobo reassures his wife that they will be ok in the safe room. Emerson contacts them through the safe room video/intercom system. He threatens to kill his security guy unless he opens the door. This is pointless because the security guy says he's ready to die for him and for Sangala.

The guy playing Mutobo is really good, very believable as an exiled leader of an African nation.

FBI tries to call the security guy; Emerson picks up his phone and sees that the FBI is calling. Even the caller ID shows: F.B.I. Emerson asks the security guy if the FBI knows they are there, he does not answer - Emerson punches out the security guy. Boy, that guy really got beat up - brave man.

Emerson's other guy says they need to leave because the FBI is on their way; Jack interrups and says he's figured out another way - amonium distrate made from household products to gas them out. Jack explains they have time because of where the FBI is coming from and traffic.

Jack and Tony then go to the kitchen to gather the products to make the gas. Of course the kitchen has everything needed. What Jack should have done while he was in there was also make himself a sandwich (it's gonna be a long day you know). I would have love to have seen that.

Now Jack begins to channel MacGyver and prepares the gas in the ventilation system. Jack must have spent time prior to Day 7 watching MacGyver reruns.
The gas begins to penetrate the safe room. It starts to take effect.

Meanwhile back at the FBI, the suit from the AG's office arrives to question Janice about what happened with Walker and Tanner. Larry runs interferrence; he asks Janice to try and find Renee.

Renee arrives at the Mutobo residence. Jack also knows how much gas to use without killing them. That Jack - he's a multi-talented guy. Didn't know he was also a skilled chemist. The wife crawls to the door and opens it. Emerson and his crew take Mutobo and his wife to a very non-conspicuous big bright yellow truck.

Renee calls Larry to let him know the Mutobo's have been taken and to find out how far away SWAT is. Of course, they won't get there in time (5 minutes out). Uh oh, Renee is caught by Emerson's guy. Larry is upset.

Renee is brought to Emerson. Renee is very upset with Jack. Calls him an SOB. That's not very nice, Renee, but she does think Jack is really working for Emerson. Jack confirms she's the FBI agent who got him out of the hearing. Emerson goes to kill her but Jack stops him and tells him they need to find out from her how much she knows. Jack then frisks Agent Walker before putting her in the truck (actually, I wouldn't mind getting frisked by Jack but that's a whole other subject) - now back to the story:

Renee says she can't believe she trusted Jack.

Back to Henry Taylor and his 12-year-old Secret Service Agent. Brian, the Secret Service guy says he knows a guy who can decript the information Samantha gave Henry. Henry says that he's going to find who killed his son and make them pay.

Now to the Oval Office. The President has decided to authorize the military operation in Sangala. The Chief of Staff guy tries to argue his point again against it. Secretary of State comes in to inform the President that Mutobo has been abducted from his residence. The President says they still have 30 minutes until Dubaku's deadline; she wants Mutobo found by then. Yeah - that's going to happen.

Another Pointless Subplot Alert: We learn Sean is having an affair with Ericka. Ok and the point of this is...
Larry's upset they haven't found Renee. He wants it the office's top priority.

Back to the inconspicuous yellow truck. Renee tells Mutobo she's sorry she couldn't protect him. A very Jack-like thing for her to say.

Emerson gets a call from Nichols. Emerson finds out Walker doesn't know anything that could compromise the operation. She's "extraneous" and wants her killed before they deliver Mutobo.

Emerson tells the drive to change direction and go to an abandoned construction site. How come all the bad guys know where all these abandoned places are? I love the shots of Jack while they are in the truck. He's trying to keep a 'poker face' all though this so he doesn't give away his cover. Nice acting by Kiefer without saying a word.
"He looks like his head's going to explode" - Ha. Janice tells Sean she senses Larry has feelings for Renee - well duh!

Dubaku's upset that the U.S. forces still haven't backed down. Nichols says he should launch another attack. Explains an FBI agent has delayed Mutobo from being delivered sooner.
Now back to Henry Taylor. He and Brian arrive at the apartment. Henry sees pics of Samantha and Roger. Brian informs Henry that they are in Samantha's apartment - cut to reveal Brian is putting on latex gloves. Loved the direction here. Oh no - Brian's a baddie! That didn't surprise me that much. I was kind of suspicious of him from the beginning.

Henry collapes! I thought at first he was having a heart attack but Brian reveals he spiked his coffee with something that is a neuro-muscular paralitic. Brian calls another bad agent. If you remember, this guy was talking with Hodges during the 'Redemption' movie when Roger arrived for the Inaguration.

Brian and the other agent are discussing getting Samantha back to her apartment so they can make it look like Henry killed Samatha and then killed himself. Brian aplogizes again to Henry saying he should have left things alone.
The other agent tells Samantha that she is to be put into protective custody and that she can go to her apartment to gather her things.

Janice tells Sean about what happened with Renee and Tanner in the hospital. The guy from the AG's office again talks to Larry. He is aware that Renee is missing. Larry explains that she's been taken by the same people who took Mutobo. Larry doesn't want the AG guy to talk to Janice - he wants to get Renee back first.

Janice calls Larry. Renee was referenced during an NSA intercept. They play the fragment that mentions Renee should be killed before Mutobo is delivered.

Of course Emerson wants Jack to kill Renee. There's some good dialogue during this sequence:
"You can either walk or I can drag you." - Jack
"I'm not going to beg for my life." - Renee
"Trust me and I will get you through this alive." - Jack.

Jack appears to graze Renee in the neck. She falls limp to appear to be dead. Jack rolls her into the ditch and throws a big plastic tarp over her.

Emerson seems convinced she is dead, but then he orders Jack to bury her. Jack tries to stall, "We're on a timetable." But Emerson doesn't want her body found before they are out of the country.

Jack and Tony start shoveling dirt on poor Renee who's watching herself be buried alive.
Love the camera angle of Renee's point of view through the plastic looking up at Jack. Chilling.

Silent clock clicks to 1:00 pm... along with breathing sound.

I loved this episode so much. Especially the last 10 minutes where Jack has to "kill" Renee, the "burial" and the Henry Taylor storyline. Both were excellently done. The direction by Jon Cassar this episode was fantastic. This episode had a darker and gritter feel to it that was just great. The FBI storyline was a little dull but the rest was wonderful.

Can't wait for episode 6!

Kiefer Interview On Sky News

Brief interview with Kiefer Sutherland on SKY News in the UK:

Source: Sky News / YouTube

'24' Quote Of The Day

"I'm tired of putting my ass on the line for nothing. I'm done putting my ass on the line for nothing."

-Jack Bauer (to Ramon & Hector Salazar)

Season 3

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Ty Warner's a Sissy!

Creepy Ty's Creep Show..

First lady objects to Sasha, Malia dolls
Michelle Obama is taking a Westmont, Ill., company to task for marketing dolls with the same names as her children, Malia and Sasha.
Ty Inc., the company that created and distributes Beanie Babies, has been promoting two dolls with dark complexions and dark hair -- one named "Marvelous Malia" and the other named "Sweet Sasha" -- as part of its TyGirlz line. The items hit the market this month, prior to President Barack Obama's inauguration.
"We believe it is inappropriate to use young private citizens for marketing purposes," a spokeswoman for the first lady told Crain's
go get him, Michelle..but watch out..he's weird!

Ty Lies
Dollmaker denies Obama inspiration
CNN - 1 Day(s) ago
The company that brought the world Beanie Babies is now selling dolls named Sweet Sasha and Marvelous Malia, but a spokeswoman insists that the dolls have nothing to do with President Obama's young daughters. Although it would be a stretch to say the 12-inch-tall dolls bear a resemblance to the first family's Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10, they appear to be the only African-American dolls in the 30-doll Ty Girlz collection.

hey Ty..
how about a perpetually pregnant Sarah Palin &
daughters doll!! Do it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Penelope on me..

is that all there is??

I have not been to the SBIFF because I will not glorify pretty people or pretty ugly people or people who try to be pretty...I don't need to talk to a celebrity to feel good about myself...I can't imagine standing for hours waiting for a starlet to walk down the red carpet while the peons try to get a glimpse...I mean, what is this nonsense? Actors and stages, now fall before the truth: you're not that important! For musicians on the other hand, I could easily be a groupie..people with real skills whose art can move me to tears..but these actresses? While they are very pretty and probably smell good, what have they done but act in some pretty dopey movies? I could do that for peets sake! Ten days..ten days of this?? Honoring people for...acting and directing! It is out of proportion..out of whack.. the faces aren't real..they've been chopped up to look younger, but end up looking puffy like Peggy Lee...Mickey Rourke looks like Peggy Lee!! Is that the that why they are being glorified? For facelifts?
The last time I went to the Lobero I saw a real artist, a musical genius, Brian Wilson..I hear Bri will be honored at the SBIFF for his latest album, the Lucky Old Sun DVD, which is ok by me..I mean, he deserves it..and Penelope Cruz will be honored at the Lobero, too...Penelope Cruz? She's cute, real fine and sexy but let that be the honor, not some overdone two hour beatification of her acting skills!
and don't forget ol' Clint..he deserves something for all the good entertainment and westerns..I watched them..I guess we're all watchers to some degree....voyeurs in love...

Friday, January 23, 2009


vs the well dressed men

some woman named Christine from the SantaYnez Valley is doing a bang up job of editing for the NewsPress over at Nippers..almost daily now she points out all the mistakes the NewsPress editors make, esp with regards to stories about her Santa Ynez Valley hometwon... she makes Nipper, Steepleton, Armstrong and new operations manager Don Katich (left pic, no wonder KEYT dumped him) look like pickleheads for not doing their is too funny!! She should be collecting a paycheck from you Nipper for doing their jobs for them..put her on page 2!!
says Christine:
"Strike #3 for the Santa Ynez the Food/D section this am-we find that Big Toms Backyard Bbq has 2 owners and 2 chefs- one being Tom Perez ( HE IS THE ACTUAL OWNER & CHEF) as shown on the front page, and then on the back page, it shows another man- listed as Gino Stabile as the owner/chef of Big Tom Backyard Bbq.
I think the mistake this time is that this Gino guy is actually the owner/operator for Woodys Bbq.
Big Toms Bbq is located inside the Maverick Saloon 2 doors
I look forward to the Friday edition.
EDITED UPDATE: While I was re-reading the paper during my just finished breakfast- I found a press release..opps I mean news brief credited to Nora Wallace- printed twice in the front section- once on page A4 with the title Children's safety program announced SANTA YNEZ, then on page A6- it is re-printed as Preventing child sexual abuse SOLVANG."
and even I, MVC, noticed that Scott Steepleton printed an address in a story about John Palminteri's
psycho ex-girlfriend.... didn't someone get fired for that in the past?? or killed?

'24' Movie May Be Set In London - 1/23/09

Kiefer Sutherland & Chris Moyles

While in London promoting Season 7, Kiefer Sutherland did an interview Friday with Chris Moyles on the BBC's Radio 1 program.

The article about the interview is linked here:

Carlos Bernard Chats With About '24'

Carlos Bernard (Tony) tells about his character's ongoing relationship with Jack Bauer:

Source: / YouTube

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Love is just a four letter word...

scooby dooby doo...

I was looking forward to seeing Joan Baez at the Lobero in Feb..she's a wonderful singer, she's a legend, she's got guts, she didn't sell out... except for this is sold out..thanks alot for buying tickets so quicky you dickheads...
now on to other love stories: Ira and Linda Distenfield, the former We the People people who advertised heavliy in the NewsPress about their new venture " the PR Store" are bankrupt..poor Ira is in jail for contempt! No lawyers, Save many times do I have to tell youz, you can't win with the American justice's rigged! So stay on the straight and narrow and stay outta trouble, like like me!
John Palminteri is in the news again..the NewsPress that is..and I guess John is fair game if he wants to be in front of the camera so much..kinda our local game show host kinda guy..
John's love story involves his ex-girlfriend, one Rebecca Diane Brand..I'm tellin' you guys, watch out for girls named Rebecca! They sneak up on you when you least expect it..and're done for! I don't know if this particular brand of Rebecca is part of the Brand Flower empire in Carpinteria.. but I do know this: flower girls are especially weird, I've tried to do a few, but they are sooo princessy and protected..nevertheless, I fully support agriculture ...
so good luck, John, and watch out for those women with green thumbs!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'24' Cast/Director Interviews In Germany

Kiefer Sutherland, Jon Cassar, Carlos Bernard & Annie Wershing are current traveling in Europe on a promotional tour for Season 7. They were recently in Germany and here is an interview they did on German TV:

Jack & Tony Music Video: "Bring Me To Life"

Here's a good Jack & Tony music video that also features some Jack/Tony scenes from Season 7. The song is "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence:

Source: FOX Broadcasting / YouTube

My Shallow Americans...

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Love Train...

get on board...

I spent one summer in the 1970s traveling cross country on an Ojays tour..we had the merchandising and were like, did my eyes open on that was cool, scary, fun and amazing..the Ojays were riding high on a new single "Used to be My Girl" and of course "Love Train" from the ' professionals, the music was great, the people were fantastic altho we had some violence and racism around us, especially in Atlanta..what an experience!
I remember thinking to myself: one day we'll have some soul in the White House instead of these old actors and faux-cowboys; soul music is good's's the Midnite Hour, Soul Man, Mercy Mercy's American music..born in the cities and bred on AM radio..
So today we get a new president...he's already made a few mistakes with questionable appointments and allowing religious fraud Rick Warren of the Saddleback Scoundrels to's hoping Obama gets smarter as the days go can he be dumber than Bush??
One good thing Obama did was appoint a strong labor who supports the worker's rights...

and that brings me to the latest NewsPress editorial about the working class.
First off, another grammatical error from a supposed professional News-Press editor!
Second, the city can't serve the residents if they have no work force to clean sewers, treat water and wastewater which requires state certified operators, fight crime, fight fires..these are career folks who have earned a pension at the end of a distinguished 25-30 year career of public service..Now.. I REPEAT: most public employee pensions are protected by the constitution, gov't contracts and Public Employee Retirement System. Workers put a percentage of their pay into this fund and over the years, it adds up because they can't touch it until they quit or is a great way to save and prepare for the future...and IT'S THEIR MONEY!!!
Wendy and haven't got a clue about public service or the folks who work for the cities... I suggest you find out before you write another stupid editorial about them...criticism is welcome, just make sure you know what you are talking about..
oh.. and that thing about CALPERS losing 20% of its value in 3 months last year..the fact is the Wall Street meltdown hurt everybody, and CALPERS investments dropped below $200 billion, but most assets remain in place due the long term strategy of investing, which has carried the fund thru bull and bear markets over 77 years..fraudulent markets by private companies is now another thing to watch out for! The fund has earned nearly 10 % annual investment return over the last 20 years..the bottom line is private industry should be copying the pension model of CALPERS instead of ripping off employees...
you may have noticed that the gov't and taxpayers had to bail out private industry fraud and mismanagement by morons like you, Wendy and Travis!
now sit back, relax and enjoy the fact that we have
a new president who supports strong labor labor laws and unions! Wendy, your business days are numbered

new: more News-Press screw-ups...
only more serious and inconsiderate this time..
how could the News-Press get this wrong???

A local boy died in Afghanistan this past week, in his sleep. The Newpress reported front page this a.m,. in bold letters, he dies in Iraq.
In the sentence underneath the Headline- it is quite obvious- as it is reported he was serving in Afghanistan.
at least the SYVJ got it right: Staff Sergeant Joshua Townsend, a 1997 graduate of Santa Ynez Valley Union High School, died in Afghanistan Jan. 16 of unknown causes. He was 30 years old.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Random Thoughts & Observations (Season 7) - Episode 4

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

The fourth hour of the season premiere opens with the FBI trying to find Jack and Tony after their escape.

Renee thinks Jack played her and was working with Tony all along. Renee tells Larry she will make it right and find them no matter what.

They identified the sniper as Tanner. He’s in the hospital.

Larry is briefing the White House on Jack and Tony’s escape. He tells them Tony’s escape was assisted by Jack. Chief of Staff guy reads Larry the riot act for letting Tony escape.

The President and Chief of Staff guy debate whether or not to move forward with the U.S. military invasion in Sangala.

Jack, Tony and Bill arrive at the location Bill and Chloe have been working out of. Bill says they think of it as CTU. I call it mini-CTU. Odd-looking building.

Now the explanation as to how Tony survived: Tony was dead for 10 minutes – Emerson (independent contractor) revived him with a hypothermic compound. Emerson thought Tony fit the profile of a former employee with grievances against the Federal Government. Emerson had been keeping tabs on Tony ever since he left CTU. Emerson found Tony to be good recruit material.

Tony said he worked for Emerson for 3 years and did some pretty bad things. The CIP device theft caused Tony to turn against Emerson since he was going to threaten Americans with it.

Dubaku is the key to finding out how deep and how wide the government conspiracy is to help the Juma regime. That is why Tony needs to get back under cover with Emerson. Jack says he can help. Jack agrees to help only because they are the only ones he can trust. They give him one reason to question that, he will turn them in.

Emerson gets a call from Tony. Tony tells him a story about getting away from the FBI. He says Jack helped him escape and that he is on board. In exchange for Jack helping them, they can get him out of the country. Emerson tells Tony to bring Jack to their meeting.

Henry Taylor is writing a letter. I wonder who he is writing to. He tells the Secret Service guy he needs to go somewhere and he wants to keep it off the manifest. He tells him he’s meeting Samantha about his son’s death.

Nice conversation between Henry and President Taylor. She’s not sure what the right call is.

Sean’s wife calls from the plane. Says they are in a holding pattern. Sean tells his wife this was an isolated incident and he wants her to call as soon as she lands.

Janice tells Renee that Tanner (sniper guy) regained consciousness. She wants Janice to come with her to the hospital.

Jack and Tony have conversation in the car on their way to see Emerson. Jack asks Tony about Emerson’s background. Tony says Emerson treated him like a brother but he’s on the wrong side of this so he’ll do what has to be done.

Tony and Jack arrive at Emerson’s. Uh oh, they are taking Jack to he basement. When bad guys take you to a basement, you know that’s not good.

Emerson tells Tony they don’t need Jack. He gives Tony a gun – he wants Tony kill him.

Bill & Chloe overhears on com. Bill thinks Jack can get out of it but if he can’t Tony’s cover will still be maintained. Bill says Jack knew this was a possibility.

Before anything can happen, Jack takes matters into his own hands by taking out the bad guys. He talks Emerson into keeping him on board.

Sean calls in a priority landing for his wife’s plane, using Larry Moss’ name! That was a bad idea. How many protocols were violated there? Sean will be in deep doo doo for that.

President Taylor plays the tape of Dubaku’s threat to the Prime Minister. President Taylor is informed that Juma’s troops are moving in and threatening a refugee camp of mostly women & children. Chief of Staff guy confirms this.

The Prime Minister wants the President to supply his troops with weapons so they can defend themselves. He implores her not to abandon his country. She’s upset that Chief of Staff guy did not inform her about the refugee camp. He believes the President should back down to Juma.

Back to Jack in the basement. Jack is in a new outfit, black shirt with a flack jacket & jeans. Nice! Kiefer can even make a flack jacket stylish, not to mention the jeans ;)

Emerson extends his hand, “no hard feelings”. Sorry Jack I almost had you killed, now let’s work together. Jack shakes his hand.

Jack is more sarcastic this season. I like that. Emerson wants to know why Jack came back and turned himself into the Justice Dept. Jack avoids the question and changes the subject to Emerson’s background. Jack couldn’t mention he turned himself in to save several kids from being killed or forced to be soldiers in Juma’s army. Guess that wouldn’t be good for maintaining his cover. No wonder Jack changed the subject.

Jack is really good, Emerson appears to buy that he’s on board. Emerson gives them a new job... pick up a “package” – former Prime Minister Mutobo and deliver him to Dubaku.

Bill & Chloe overhears the plan. Chloe thinks they should not allow the Prime Minister to be kidnapped but Bill says it’s necessary even if he is killed because they have to keep the operation going so they can get to the bottom of this conspiracy.

Henry Taylor goes to meet Samantha at a D.C. park. He wants the Secret Service guy to leave so they can talk alone. She said Roger was murdered and it was made to look like a suicide. She’s not sure who is behind it, but it is the same people who made it look like he was going to be investigated by the SEC. Roger uncovered accounts that traced back to Sangala and a Sr. member of President Taylor’s administration. Roger was killed a couple of days he was going to present the evidence to his mother, the President. Samantha leaves, but the Secret Service guy is watching. I think he is involved somehow.

Now at the hospital where the sniper guy (Tanner) is. Renee and Janice are there but Tanner’s lawyers are not. Renee asks Tanner where Tony is. He wants his lawyer but she says they can’t help him. He wants her to go away. Renee gets a call another agent – Tanner’s lawyers have arrived. She asks Janice to stall them so she can question him alone. Janice thinks that’s a mistake. Renee says thousands of lives are on the line, so they have to bend the rules to find Tony.

Renee questions Tanner again; he said he won’t tell her anything. She takes her gun and pushes it into his wounded side. She stops. Tanner laughs at her. Renee grabs the hose on his ventilator and she says, “I suggest you use your last breath wisely”. Whoa – two hours with Jack and she’s turned into him. She closes it off and Tanner starts to gasp for air.

Janice continues to stall the lawyers; the door is jammed when they try to get in, but Renee comes out and says to the lawyers he’s all theirs. She calls Larry to let him know that there is a plan to kidnap the Prime Minister and she thinks they can set a trap to catch Tony.

Larry calls the Prime Minister’s security and tells him to lock him down. The Prime Minister and his wife are moved to a safe room. Emerson, Jack, Tony, etc bust in but the Prime Minister and his wife get to the safe room in time.

Jack takes a golf club (golf club?) to try and bust through the wall. Jack confirms it is a safe room with reinforced concrete.

Tony tells Jack if they leave without the Prime Minister there goes their only chance at getting to Dubaku.

…clock ticks to 12:00 pm

Another solid episode, not quite as exciting as episode 3, but some more good stuff. I’m interested in seeing where all of these stories go. I thought the explanation of how Tony survived and ended up working for Emerson was very good. I also love the idea of Bill, Chloe and Tony working outside the government as kind of a “shadow” CTU.

Looking forward to episode 5.

Will continue to post my thoughts & observations about this season as time allows.

Kiefer Sutherland On Ellen - 1/19/09

Kiefer made an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show today. It was way too short but here's the interview:

Kiefer on Ellen

Random Thoughts & Observations (Season 7) - Episode 3

10:00 am - 11:00 am
(Episode 3)

This episode opens with President Taylor being told about Tony’s arrest and that he handed off the component off to someone else. Secretary of State tells the President that Tony’s working for the Juma regime. He then plays a recording from Dubaku demanding a withdrawal of American troops or he will use the devise to kill Americans.

President Taylor is told the earliest the firewall can be rebuilt is 6 days.

Next scene is the FBI helicopter arriving with Tony in custody. Also on board is Jack, Renee and Larry.

Larry wants and explanation from Renee because she went off on her own without backup or authorization. I now know why I don’t like Larry – he reminds me of Ryan Chapelle.

Renee tells Larry about the leak coming from the FBI. Jack makes his presence known, ole Lar doesn’t like it. Jack explains that the sniper was in place because of a leak and he had help escaping the FBI.

Larry wants to be “kept in the loop” from now on. He still doesn’t like Jack.

Renee enlists Janice’s help to find the leak.

Sean wants to know why they are in a level 4 lockdown.

We switch to the dark room with the bad guys again. Dubaku is talking on the phone.

Emerson is told that Tony is in FBI custody. Dubaku wants a more forceful demonstration to get the U.S. to back down. He is asked to be more patient since the President just got his demands.

Back to the FBI… Larry tells Renee and Jack overhears Tony is working for Juma and that he’s blackmailing the White House.

Jack says he can get the device if he’s allowed to talk to Tony. He says knows him and he can use their history against him. Jack says “You’re running out of time.” Gee... I think I’ve heard Jack say that before.

Renee thinks it’s a good idea, Larry reluctantly agrees and opens the holding room for Jack.

This next scene between Jack & Tony is fantastic. “Every second you help the government you’re spitting on Teri’s grave!” – great line by Tony to make Jack lose it. Then the “deep sky” moment. I didn’t have any idea what that meant and then when Jack called and it was Bill Buchanan on the other line… it was a great surprise. Then they show Chloe and we find out Tony’s really working undercover! A nice plot twist. I suspected Tony may not really be bad but I wasn’t sure up until then.

Back at the White House now… Chief of Staff guy tries to tell Henry his son did actually commit suicide. Henry’s told Roger was about to be investigated by the SEC for insider trading and that’s why he killed himself. He provided Henry with documentation. It was kept from Henry by both the President and the Chief of Staff. That didn’t go over well with Henry.

The President is told they have till 1:00 pm to pull the troops back. She is telling the Chief of Staff. President Taylor realizes she has an impossible choice to make. Either send our troops in to stop Juma and possibly have many Americans killed or pull the troops back and allow Juma to slaughter many innocent Sangalans.

We see Chloe again – Bill calls Jack on a secure line. Bill tells Jack that Tony’s part of a deep cover operation to be near the CIP module. There are many inside the government aiding Dubaku and the Juma regime even some in the President’s inner circle according to Bill. While Tony is in FBI custody he can’t be near the CIP module and that undermines the whole operation. Bill, Chloe and Tony are working completely outside the government.

Bill puts Chloe on to talk to Jack. Great Chloe line about seeing him during the Senate hearings: “You looked good though”. Typical awkward Chloe.

Bill needs Jack to get Tony out of the FBI. Jack wants to enlist Renee’s help but Bill thinks because there is a leak in the FBI, he would be making her a target. If Jack needs to use her to get Tony out, then he needs to do it.

Janice asks Sean a question. He still doesn’t like the lockdown. Sean seems suspicious. He’s frustrated about something.

Henry gets a call from Samantha. She says Roger was murdered and she wants to see him.

Meanwhile back at the FBI, Larry questions Tony. Showing him pictures of those Juma has killed. Yeah, that’ll work Lar. Tony says his conscience is clear. Renee wants to talk to Larry. She says he won’t break because he is a trained CTU agent.

She thinks other methods ought to be considered. Larry won’t hear of it; “it’s illegal” and he wants Jack out of the building. Worried about his influence on Renee perhaps?

Janice informs Renee she have may have found the leak. Someone hacked into the FAA database. Janice is going to check further in the server room.

Janice sees Sean’s server ID on the computer. She’s afraid and thinks he’s the leak. He says he got into the FAA database because his wife is on one of the planes. He wanted to get in to monitor her flight. I don’t know if I completely believe him.

Chloe calls Jack to run recon for him in the building. She’s hacked into their surveillance cameras.
Renee goes to process Jack out. Uh oh, Jack puts the sleeper hold on Renee. Time to go to sleep Renee. Jack takes her gun and access card. Jack is so good.

Bill is now in a vehicle to go pick up Jack and Tony. Chloe helps Jack navigate through the FBI building to Tony’s holding room.

Jack punches Larry!! Yes! I've been waiting for that.

Chloe continues to assist Jack and Tony navigate past security.

“I’m just glad I didn’t break your neck.” - Jack
“You came close.” - Tony
“Yeah, sorry about that.” – funny little exchange between Jack and Tony. They are kind of like a modern-day Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid to me.

Sean and Janice realize someone has accessed their surveillance cams. The first battle between Janice and Chloe. Oh no, Chloe has lost the feed.

The alarm goes off, they are all after Jack and Tony now! Chloe’s still locked out.

Renee is upset, she doesn’t understand what Jack is doing.

Chloe gets back in the system. Jack uses the fire extinguisher to break out. Hey, he has a Jack bag again, a very nice one at that.

Shootout in the parking garage! Jack tells Tony to go – he’ll be right behind him. Slick move with the van Bill!

Jack hotwires a car and floorboards it with his hand “This is gonna hurt.” and drives through a concrete wall. Tony covers him as they both manage to get in the van.

Larry is informed they got outside the perimeter.
Jack wants to know from Bill the full story of what is going on. Bill says he’ll explain everything when they get there.

…clock ticks to 11:00 am

This episode was my favorite of the premiere. Lots of action, a plot twist and we get to see Bill and Chloe again. This episode had everything that every really good ‘24’ episode has. It’s great to have ‘24’ back!