He brags of his keen insight since he got caught, and shares with us his new found phony awareness from his counseling sessions at Zona Seca..all this amounts to is a "drunkalogue"....drunks get together and talk about their glory days of drinking, no matter how much damage they did. Their drunk days are a twisted badge of honor!
I have no doubt that Travis and his friend Carp City Council guy Joe Armendariz would still be driving drunk had they not had their little episodes..Joe crashed his speeding Lexus in Montecito and SB police caught Travis trying to wiggle his car the wrong way up a one way street..thank union police guys for keeping this nitwit off the road! Hey, maybe that's why Travis doesn't like union workers...they humilated him by doing their jobs!!
Advice from NewsPress genuises!
Now, Travis wants to give some advice to City Hall, business owners and to a guy who was arrested in June for DUI and supposedly is the father of someone famous in town..a liberal! For some reason, Travis won't name him...anyone know who the mystery man is? The advice is merely an attempt to showcase another drunk so Travis doesn't feel so bad about his own behavior..and obviously he does..he's still talking about it in the press thinking the readers with give him some more sympathy...I'll give you what you deserve you fool...some more pity!
Why would business owners take advice from a guy who writes a column for Wendy McCaw, whose own business is failing and who has never run one of his own? and what is City Hall supposed to do with your advice? Just look at your ethical record!!
Now Travis, where's Mr.Pip, the gossip guy..where are you hiding him??
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