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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

As the World Unfolds...

Nipper unloads.. Mick uploads.. Wendy explodes.. bloggers download...

Is there any business in town, ever, that has had to explain itself as often as the News-Press?
says Nipper:
"Yes, the newspaper industry is in a financial meltdown and what you have been seeing here at the Santa Barbara News-Press is being played out across the nation. Papers are shrinking (literally) and ads and content are suffering.
Thousands of jobs have been lost from the LA Times to the New York Times as subscribers and advertisers have disappeared. The News-Press saw these problems early on and tried to make changes. Changes like getting reporters to be accountable and to produce more local, unbiased articles. The only thing we have at the News-Press is local news. You can get national news on the Internet or through cable television. Did you know that before the walkout in 2006 a number of reporters at the News-Press were only writing one article a week, some only one article a month? People needed to roll up their sleeves and work if this business was to survive. They didn't like the idea of more work so they walked out. The Travis and Lowe issues were just a sideshow. They couldn't generate public sympathy if they addressed the real issue, not wanting to work or follow the rules.Did you know that Jerry Roberts, the former News-Press Editor sued over the thread that was on Nippers about the News-Press issues? He believed that the "Hamburger" satire was about him (although his name was never mentioned in it) and he sued for $200,000. Interesting how the "champion of free speech" will use a legal hammer to smash anything written that could be remotely critical of him.We have also had more than just the economy hit the News-Press. The on-going campaign by the Teamsters union to get people to cancel their subscriptions and advertisers to pull their ads has taken a toll. On top of that are the stratospheric legal costs to battle their barrage of legal proceedings. Every time we lose a subscriber or an advertiser, that directly affects every employee at the paper. If the union truly cared about employees they would stop trying to destroy their livelihood.Local media has not reported on the other side of the News-Press story. Their motivation is to tear down a major competitor. If you are truly interested in the other side, visit wendywendywendy
and read. You might also look at what Mrs. McCaw does for your town. She gives millions of dollars to local Santa Barbara non-profits every year. From the Granada restoration project, to the County Bowl to Unity and animal rescue centers."
cancel my subscription to the resurrection...

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