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Monday, January 19, 2009

Random Thoughts & Observations (Season 7) - Episode 3

10:00 am - 11:00 am
(Episode 3)

This episode opens with President Taylor being told about Tony’s arrest and that he handed off the component off to someone else. Secretary of State tells the President that Tony’s working for the Juma regime. He then plays a recording from Dubaku demanding a withdrawal of American troops or he will use the devise to kill Americans.

President Taylor is told the earliest the firewall can be rebuilt is 6 days.

Next scene is the FBI helicopter arriving with Tony in custody. Also on board is Jack, Renee and Larry.

Larry wants and explanation from Renee because she went off on her own without backup or authorization. I now know why I don’t like Larry – he reminds me of Ryan Chapelle.

Renee tells Larry about the leak coming from the FBI. Jack makes his presence known, ole Lar doesn’t like it. Jack explains that the sniper was in place because of a leak and he had help escaping the FBI.

Larry wants to be “kept in the loop” from now on. He still doesn’t like Jack.

Renee enlists Janice’s help to find the leak.

Sean wants to know why they are in a level 4 lockdown.

We switch to the dark room with the bad guys again. Dubaku is talking on the phone.

Emerson is told that Tony is in FBI custody. Dubaku wants a more forceful demonstration to get the U.S. to back down. He is asked to be more patient since the President just got his demands.

Back to the FBI… Larry tells Renee and Jack overhears Tony is working for Juma and that he’s blackmailing the White House.

Jack says he can get the device if he’s allowed to talk to Tony. He says knows him and he can use their history against him. Jack says “You’re running out of time.” Gee... I think I’ve heard Jack say that before.

Renee thinks it’s a good idea, Larry reluctantly agrees and opens the holding room for Jack.

This next scene between Jack & Tony is fantastic. “Every second you help the government you’re spitting on Teri’s grave!” – great line by Tony to make Jack lose it. Then the “deep sky” moment. I didn’t have any idea what that meant and then when Jack called and it was Bill Buchanan on the other line… it was a great surprise. Then they show Chloe and we find out Tony’s really working undercover! A nice plot twist. I suspected Tony may not really be bad but I wasn’t sure up until then.

Back at the White House now… Chief of Staff guy tries to tell Henry his son did actually commit suicide. Henry’s told Roger was about to be investigated by the SEC for insider trading and that’s why he killed himself. He provided Henry with documentation. It was kept from Henry by both the President and the Chief of Staff. That didn’t go over well with Henry.

The President is told they have till 1:00 pm to pull the troops back. She is telling the Chief of Staff. President Taylor realizes she has an impossible choice to make. Either send our troops in to stop Juma and possibly have many Americans killed or pull the troops back and allow Juma to slaughter many innocent Sangalans.

We see Chloe again – Bill calls Jack on a secure line. Bill tells Jack that Tony’s part of a deep cover operation to be near the CIP module. There are many inside the government aiding Dubaku and the Juma regime even some in the President’s inner circle according to Bill. While Tony is in FBI custody he can’t be near the CIP module and that undermines the whole operation. Bill, Chloe and Tony are working completely outside the government.

Bill puts Chloe on to talk to Jack. Great Chloe line about seeing him during the Senate hearings: “You looked good though”. Typical awkward Chloe.

Bill needs Jack to get Tony out of the FBI. Jack wants to enlist Renee’s help but Bill thinks because there is a leak in the FBI, he would be making her a target. If Jack needs to use her to get Tony out, then he needs to do it.

Janice asks Sean a question. He still doesn’t like the lockdown. Sean seems suspicious. He’s frustrated about something.

Henry gets a call from Samantha. She says Roger was murdered and she wants to see him.

Meanwhile back at the FBI, Larry questions Tony. Showing him pictures of those Juma has killed. Yeah, that’ll work Lar. Tony says his conscience is clear. Renee wants to talk to Larry. She says he won’t break because he is a trained CTU agent.

She thinks other methods ought to be considered. Larry won’t hear of it; “it’s illegal” and he wants Jack out of the building. Worried about his influence on Renee perhaps?

Janice informs Renee she have may have found the leak. Someone hacked into the FAA database. Janice is going to check further in the server room.

Janice sees Sean’s server ID on the computer. She’s afraid and thinks he’s the leak. He says he got into the FAA database because his wife is on one of the planes. He wanted to get in to monitor her flight. I don’t know if I completely believe him.

Chloe calls Jack to run recon for him in the building. She’s hacked into their surveillance cameras.
Renee goes to process Jack out. Uh oh, Jack puts the sleeper hold on Renee. Time to go to sleep Renee. Jack takes her gun and access card. Jack is so good.

Bill is now in a vehicle to go pick up Jack and Tony. Chloe helps Jack navigate through the FBI building to Tony’s holding room.

Jack punches Larry!! Yes! I've been waiting for that.

Chloe continues to assist Jack and Tony navigate past security.

“I’m just glad I didn’t break your neck.” - Jack
“You came close.” - Tony
“Yeah, sorry about that.” – funny little exchange between Jack and Tony. They are kind of like a modern-day Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid to me.

Sean and Janice realize someone has accessed their surveillance cams. The first battle between Janice and Chloe. Oh no, Chloe has lost the feed.

The alarm goes off, they are all after Jack and Tony now! Chloe’s still locked out.

Renee is upset, she doesn’t understand what Jack is doing.

Chloe gets back in the system. Jack uses the fire extinguisher to break out. Hey, he has a Jack bag again, a very nice one at that.

Shootout in the parking garage! Jack tells Tony to go – he’ll be right behind him. Slick move with the van Bill!

Jack hotwires a car and floorboards it with his hand “This is gonna hurt.” and drives through a concrete wall. Tony covers him as they both manage to get in the van.

Larry is informed they got outside the perimeter.
Jack wants to know from Bill the full story of what is going on. Bill says he’ll explain everything when they get there.

…clock ticks to 11:00 am

This episode was my favorite of the premiere. Lots of action, a plot twist and we get to see Bill and Chloe again. This episode had everything that every really good ‘24’ episode has. It’s great to have ‘24’ back!

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