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Monday, January 19, 2009

Random Thoughts & Observations (Season 7) - Episode 4

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

The fourth hour of the season premiere opens with the FBI trying to find Jack and Tony after their escape.

Renee thinks Jack played her and was working with Tony all along. Renee tells Larry she will make it right and find them no matter what.

They identified the sniper as Tanner. He’s in the hospital.

Larry is briefing the White House on Jack and Tony’s escape. He tells them Tony’s escape was assisted by Jack. Chief of Staff guy reads Larry the riot act for letting Tony escape.

The President and Chief of Staff guy debate whether or not to move forward with the U.S. military invasion in Sangala.

Jack, Tony and Bill arrive at the location Bill and Chloe have been working out of. Bill says they think of it as CTU. I call it mini-CTU. Odd-looking building.

Now the explanation as to how Tony survived: Tony was dead for 10 minutes – Emerson (independent contractor) revived him with a hypothermic compound. Emerson thought Tony fit the profile of a former employee with grievances against the Federal Government. Emerson had been keeping tabs on Tony ever since he left CTU. Emerson found Tony to be good recruit material.

Tony said he worked for Emerson for 3 years and did some pretty bad things. The CIP device theft caused Tony to turn against Emerson since he was going to threaten Americans with it.

Dubaku is the key to finding out how deep and how wide the government conspiracy is to help the Juma regime. That is why Tony needs to get back under cover with Emerson. Jack says he can help. Jack agrees to help only because they are the only ones he can trust. They give him one reason to question that, he will turn them in.

Emerson gets a call from Tony. Tony tells him a story about getting away from the FBI. He says Jack helped him escape and that he is on board. In exchange for Jack helping them, they can get him out of the country. Emerson tells Tony to bring Jack to their meeting.

Henry Taylor is writing a letter. I wonder who he is writing to. He tells the Secret Service guy he needs to go somewhere and he wants to keep it off the manifest. He tells him he’s meeting Samantha about his son’s death.

Nice conversation between Henry and President Taylor. She’s not sure what the right call is.

Sean’s wife calls from the plane. Says they are in a holding pattern. Sean tells his wife this was an isolated incident and he wants her to call as soon as she lands.

Janice tells Renee that Tanner (sniper guy) regained consciousness. She wants Janice to come with her to the hospital.

Jack and Tony have conversation in the car on their way to see Emerson. Jack asks Tony about Emerson’s background. Tony says Emerson treated him like a brother but he’s on the wrong side of this so he’ll do what has to be done.

Tony and Jack arrive at Emerson’s. Uh oh, they are taking Jack to he basement. When bad guys take you to a basement, you know that’s not good.

Emerson tells Tony they don’t need Jack. He gives Tony a gun – he wants Tony kill him.

Bill & Chloe overhears on com. Bill thinks Jack can get out of it but if he can’t Tony’s cover will still be maintained. Bill says Jack knew this was a possibility.

Before anything can happen, Jack takes matters into his own hands by taking out the bad guys. He talks Emerson into keeping him on board.

Sean calls in a priority landing for his wife’s plane, using Larry Moss’ name! That was a bad idea. How many protocols were violated there? Sean will be in deep doo doo for that.

President Taylor plays the tape of Dubaku’s threat to the Prime Minister. President Taylor is informed that Juma’s troops are moving in and threatening a refugee camp of mostly women & children. Chief of Staff guy confirms this.

The Prime Minister wants the President to supply his troops with weapons so they can defend themselves. He implores her not to abandon his country. She’s upset that Chief of Staff guy did not inform her about the refugee camp. He believes the President should back down to Juma.

Back to Jack in the basement. Jack is in a new outfit, black shirt with a flack jacket & jeans. Nice! Kiefer can even make a flack jacket stylish, not to mention the jeans ;)

Emerson extends his hand, “no hard feelings”. Sorry Jack I almost had you killed, now let’s work together. Jack shakes his hand.

Jack is more sarcastic this season. I like that. Emerson wants to know why Jack came back and turned himself into the Justice Dept. Jack avoids the question and changes the subject to Emerson’s background. Jack couldn’t mention he turned himself in to save several kids from being killed or forced to be soldiers in Juma’s army. Guess that wouldn’t be good for maintaining his cover. No wonder Jack changed the subject.

Jack is really good, Emerson appears to buy that he’s on board. Emerson gives them a new job... pick up a “package” – former Prime Minister Mutobo and deliver him to Dubaku.

Bill & Chloe overhears the plan. Chloe thinks they should not allow the Prime Minister to be kidnapped but Bill says it’s necessary even if he is killed because they have to keep the operation going so they can get to the bottom of this conspiracy.

Henry Taylor goes to meet Samantha at a D.C. park. He wants the Secret Service guy to leave so they can talk alone. She said Roger was murdered and it was made to look like a suicide. She’s not sure who is behind it, but it is the same people who made it look like he was going to be investigated by the SEC. Roger uncovered accounts that traced back to Sangala and a Sr. member of President Taylor’s administration. Roger was killed a couple of days he was going to present the evidence to his mother, the President. Samantha leaves, but the Secret Service guy is watching. I think he is involved somehow.

Now at the hospital where the sniper guy (Tanner) is. Renee and Janice are there but Tanner’s lawyers are not. Renee asks Tanner where Tony is. He wants his lawyer but she says they can’t help him. He wants her to go away. Renee gets a call another agent – Tanner’s lawyers have arrived. She asks Janice to stall them so she can question him alone. Janice thinks that’s a mistake. Renee says thousands of lives are on the line, so they have to bend the rules to find Tony.

Renee questions Tanner again; he said he won’t tell her anything. She takes her gun and pushes it into his wounded side. She stops. Tanner laughs at her. Renee grabs the hose on his ventilator and she says, “I suggest you use your last breath wisely”. Whoa – two hours with Jack and she’s turned into him. She closes it off and Tanner starts to gasp for air.

Janice continues to stall the lawyers; the door is jammed when they try to get in, but Renee comes out and says to the lawyers he’s all theirs. She calls Larry to let him know that there is a plan to kidnap the Prime Minister and she thinks they can set a trap to catch Tony.

Larry calls the Prime Minister’s security and tells him to lock him down. The Prime Minister and his wife are moved to a safe room. Emerson, Jack, Tony, etc bust in but the Prime Minister and his wife get to the safe room in time.

Jack takes a golf club (golf club?) to try and bust through the wall. Jack confirms it is a safe room with reinforced concrete.

Tony tells Jack if they leave without the Prime Minister there goes their only chance at getting to Dubaku.

…clock ticks to 12:00 pm

Another solid episode, not quite as exciting as episode 3, but some more good stuff. I’m interested in seeing where all of these stories go. I thought the explanation of how Tony survived and ended up working for Emerson was very good. I also love the idea of Bill, Chloe and Tony working outside the government as kind of a “shadow” CTU.

Looking forward to episode 5.

Will continue to post my thoughts & observations about this season as time allows.

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