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Friday, January 23, 2009


vs the well dressed men

some woman named Christine from the SantaYnez Valley is doing a bang up job of editing for the NewsPress over at Nippers..almost daily now she points out all the mistakes the NewsPress editors make, esp with regards to stories about her Santa Ynez Valley hometwon... she makes Nipper, Steepleton, Armstrong and new operations manager Don Katich (left pic, no wonder KEYT dumped him) look like pickleheads for not doing their is too funny!! She should be collecting a paycheck from you Nipper for doing their jobs for them..put her on page 2!!
says Christine:
"Strike #3 for the Santa Ynez the Food/D section this am-we find that Big Toms Backyard Bbq has 2 owners and 2 chefs- one being Tom Perez ( HE IS THE ACTUAL OWNER & CHEF) as shown on the front page, and then on the back page, it shows another man- listed as Gino Stabile as the owner/chef of Big Tom Backyard Bbq.
I think the mistake this time is that this Gino guy is actually the owner/operator for Woodys Bbq.
Big Toms Bbq is located inside the Maverick Saloon 2 doors
I look forward to the Friday edition.
EDITED UPDATE: While I was re-reading the paper during my just finished breakfast- I found a press release..opps I mean news brief credited to Nora Wallace- printed twice in the front section- once on page A4 with the title Children's safety program announced SANTA YNEZ, then on page A6- it is re-printed as Preventing child sexual abuse SOLVANG."
and even I, MVC, noticed that Scott Steepleton printed an address in a story about John Palminteri's
psycho ex-girlfriend.... didn't someone get fired for that in the past?? or killed?

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