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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random Thoughts & Observations - Season 7 (Episode 2)

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Air Traffic guys hear recording of Tony talking to pilot – the pilot thinks he’s talking to air traffic control. They got one of the planes to change course.

Back to Jack / Renee trying to find sniper. Renee calls Larry. She tells him Schecter was taken out by a sniper. Larry asks in private if she’s ok (hmm…sounds like some personal history there perhaps).

Jack thinks there was a leak at the FBI that tipped them off about them going to Schecter’s office so they could get a sniper in place. Renee thinks Tony already had his office staked out. Jack says there wasn’t enough time. When will those people learn Jack is always right about these kinds of things?

Uh oh, Jack’s been ordered to sit in the car. Poor Jack, once again he’s like the troublesome child in class who has to sit in the corner.

Sniper in the Columbia building trying to get away.

Air Traffic guy is upset that they can’t break in. All their systems are now blocked. Tony orders another plane to another course. Tony calls air traffic guy, they see the planes are on a collision course.

Tony orders one of the planes to pull up right before impact. I don’t know if a plane in that scenario could actually pull up that quickly but, it’s TV so there are some things you have to overlook.

Sniper guy still trying to get out.

Shady-looking guy in sunglasses arrives (Emerson) to the bad guys hideout.

Tony orders Latham be cleaned up. He sure needs it, poor guy. They even broke his glasses!

Tony explains to Emerson the testing of the module worked ok.

Why do so many characters on this show talk like they are in a library? SPEAK UP!

Back to the White House now… press secretary getting ready to go on TV. Gets briefed by Chief of Staff guy.

President Taylor meets with the exiled Prime Minister of Sangala. She wants him to deal with Juma in a court of law. The Prime Minister agrees but do we believe him?

The President is told about the near miss of the planes at JFK. Learns about the threat from Tony.

Timeframe unclear? What… on 24 it’s usually within the hour.

Sniper guy calls Tony telling him he’s trapped.

Meanwhile, Jack still sits in the car. What comes next is my favorite scene of this episode. The FBI guy in the car with Jack lets him know what they made him go through at the Senate hearing was wrong. Jack thinks it’s good for everything to come out and the public can decide how far they want the government to go. The guy tells Jack he should not have been treated that way after everything he’s done for the country. Jack thanks him.

After this guy says this, I’m thinking yea! finally Jack gets a little gratitude from someone even if it is probably a rookie FBI agent. I think this guy is speaking for a lot of the audience here. After everything Jack has sacrificed and how many millions of lives he’s saved, he’s now being put on trial. It was just nice to see someone thank Jack for what he’s done. This was just a nice, well written scene.

Tony sends in FBI guy working for him to help get sniper out.

Jack wants to step out and get some air. He’s told to stay close. Yeah right. Jack’s going to stay close by.

Jack sees guy with FBI jacket walking away and tells Walker he’s the shooter. How does he know this? The guy has different shoes than the other agents. Jack’s fashion sense saves the day!

More bad guys in a dark room. Emerson shows Dubaku the component.

Meanwhile, back at the White House the President is getting briefed on how bad things could get if the component is used to bring down power grids, contaminate the water supply, etc. Doesn’t sound like a day at the beach.

Chief of Staff guy gets a call from Henry Taylor’s SS guy. Is it me or does he seem kind of young to have such a high-level detail as guarding the spouse of the President? Or maybe he seems young because I’m getting older.

He tells Chief of Staff guy he’s going to see Roger Taylor’s former girlfriend. Chief of Staff guy did not know Henry was investigating his son’s death.

I don’t completely trust Henry Taylor’s SS guy for some reason.

Larry learns Renee and Jack left the scene without logging a destination. Larry’s not happy – he calls Renee. She lies as to what they are really doing – following the sniper guy. She doesn’t like lying to Larry.

Larry wants Janice to do a triangulation to locate Renee.

Renee wants to know from Jack how far he was willing to go at Sheckter’s office. Jack’s tired of answering questions about his past – I don’t blame him.

Henry talks to Samantha about the money wired to an off-shore account. She claims the money belongs to her Aunt. She claims Roger killed himself. Henry thinks she’s lying and knows who murdered him.

Jack and Renee arrive where the sniper guy went. Renee gives Jack a gun (good idea). Sniper guy hears something, he goes to investigate and Jack greets him with a gun to his head and then chokes him, punches him and then knocks him out with his knee.

Jack becomes MacGyver by wrapping a cloth around the gun to silence it while taking out the security camera. Jack always thinks fast on his feet.

Now here’s where the editors make a rare misstep. After Jack takes out the security cam, you see him walking the sniper guy toward the boat with a gun on him. I thought Jack just knocked the guy out. That didn’t make sense. One minute he’s out, the next minute Jack is using him to get to the boat.

Jack then uses the guy as a shield and he gets shot instead of Jack. Jack and Renee work together to shoot more bad guys. This was a cool scene. Good to see Jack working with a female partner who seems to be just as capable and tough as he is.

Jack is looking for Tony – Jack eventually finds him “Tony, Stop!” Jack looks at him at first like he can’t believe it’s really him.

They have a fist fight. Jack wants to know where the component is. Larry arrives in the FBI helicopter.

Jack asks Tony… “What happened to you?”

…clock ticks to 10:00 am

Another exciting episode. It was good to see Jack find Tony so early in the season instead of dragging it out for several episodes. I didn’t think I would like the sub-plot about the President’s son’s suicide or murder mystery. It’s starting to get interesting. It’s obvious Samantha is not telling the truth. It will be interesting to see where that goes. All in all another good episode. Looking forward to more Jack and Tony scenes in episode 3.

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