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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Drag the Net....

Greka president launches weird PR campaign!

I'm watching the news on KEYT and a commercial comes on...the voice sounds like Joe Friday from Dragnet..This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm a cop.
I couldn't believe my eyes... it's Andy deVegvar..the president of Greka.. he's trying to sell Greka as a model of environmentalism..Andy, how many times has the county fire dept responded to your facilty..100, 1000, a million??...don't forget the taxpayers who have to foot the bill! Instead of stepping up to the plate to accept responsibility for the Greka mess, he starts a staccato rant about the unfair attacks on Greka Oil from regulators, environmentalists and politicians..he's in a board room surrounded by employees, who look like scared hostages! "HELP US" they seem to be thinking! When Greka started spilling, Mike Stoker was spokeman..I mean spokeschild, for the company. He tried to tell us that the incidents were sabotage, like a 5-year old lying to the teacher about stealing lunch money.
Then he changed the story to politics. Then he changed it to operator/equipment failure..obviously, Greka can't get their stories straight..and now we have this classic B's dark, it's twisted, it's rightwing propaganda at its funniest!
Then the commercial segues into a girl playing with her boobs! I swear I didn't splice that in!! here's a
This is high entertainment folks..courtesy of Greka! No wonder they spill so much oil..they are all high!!!

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